Chapter 29 - Christmas Party

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The Mouldy Peaches - Anyone Else but You

The week after the chase to the train station had flown by, neither Kate, Ali, Jasper or Maddie had mentioned anything about the failed runaway attempt to the McCarthys. They were none the wiser and the other four were the happier for it, they had finished the last three days of school with little trouble. Maddie had gotten away with feigning sickness on the Friday she'd skipped and everybody seemed happy with the result.

It was now three days until Christmas day and the McCarthys were preparing for their annual Christmas party, the whole family was invited; Ben was coming home minus his girlfriend, the grandparents were coming, Ali and her parents, Jasper, Lucy and their parents and some of the girls from the football team were all invited.

There was just over an hour to go and Maddie was stood in front of a full length mirror feeling the most uncomfortable she had in her life. She was dressed in a navy blue lacy dress that stopped at her knees and had long sleeves that ended perfectly at her wrists. Maddie looked at herself in the mirror, she wasn't really a dress sort of girl but she had to admit she looked beautiful. Kate and Ali were helping her get ready, they had curled her hair slightly to give it a smooth waviness and put on a little make up that was just visible but not overpowering.

Ali moved up behind Maddie to look over her shoulder into the mirror, she burst into a huge smile and nodded her head. "Not bad even if I do say so myself." She moved a few pieces of hair that were sticking out of place then smiled at Maddie's reflection again.

"You look stunning sis, Jasper is a very lucky guy." Kate stood on her other side looking stunning herself in a black mini dress. Maddie turned on the spot and pulled the two girls into a tight hug, not caring if she was messing up their appearance or her own.

"I love you guys!" She pulled back and smiled at the two of them. Over the last week Maddie and Ali had been inseparable, they had put the issue of Jasper being her ex completely behind them and were embracing their best friendship once again. The three of them continued to put the finishing touches to their outfits until they heard the doorbell ring and the signal that guests were beginning to arrive.

Voices they all recognised as the Barretts from next door drifted up the stairs, Maddie's heart began to race as she thought about Jasper seeing her in a dress for the first time ever. Kate and Ali descended the stairs first, Maddie heard both of them greet Jasper as she began to climb down the stairs. Her mouth dropped open as she saw Jasper standing in a grey suit, white shirt and black skinny tie. He looked amazing, her heart was racing as she stepped off the final stair and stopped in front of him. Maddie looked at the ground before lifting her eyes to his face, he was gazing at her with a look of wonderment and awe that made her blush bright red.

"Wow . . . Wwwow, you look stunning Mads." He put his hand on her waist and pulled her into him, his lips met hers and sent wonderful tingles across her whole body.

"Thanks so do you." She pulled back and took his hand ready to lead him through to the living room where everybody else was likely to be. Jasper stayed on the spot, resisting the pull of her hand and pulling her back into him. He reached into the inside pocket of his jacket and began to pull something out, Maddie wondered what was going on.

"Close your eyes and give me your hand." Maddie looked suspiciously at him.

"Why? What are you going to do?" She tentatively stretched her hand towards him and he took it gently in his.

"Trust me." He whispered as he placed something in Maddie's hand. Her eyes burst open and she looked down at what he'd given her. It was some sort of hand-woven bracelet with a metal disc on it, she looked at the disc and saw 'JB + MM forever' etched into it along with a heart. It was beautiful. "I was going to wait until Christmas and give it to you then but I couldn't. What do you think?"

"I love it! It's exactly my kind of thing, you know me too well." Maddie grinned and slipped it onto her left wrist, it fit perfectly. "Where did you get it?" She looked back into his face, he blushed slightly and smiled nervously down at her.

"I, uh, I made it myself." Maddie's eyebrows shot up in surprise, he'd made it, for her. She looked at him open mouthed and then smiled. Stretching on her tiptoes she leaned into him and kissed him.

"Are you two coming through or not?" Ali stood in the doorway to the lounge and grinned as the two of them pulled apart. Maddie took Jasper's hand in hers and led him over to Ali and through the door into the lounge. She showed Ali the bracelet and explained how Jasper had made it for her. The three of them walked over to join Kate and Lucy as the doorbell rang, Becky her husband, Jay, Gemma and her boyfriend walked into the lounge followed by Maddie's grandparents. Everyone greeted everyone else and settled into the Christmas party.

Maddie went into the kitchen to grab a couple of drinks, her father was leaning against the counter drinking a bottle of beer, he smiled when she walked in. "Hey M&M, I'm glad you, Jasper and Ali have sorted everything out. You look the happiest I've seen you for a while." Maddie walked over to her father and leant against his side, smiling as he put an arm around her shoulder.

"I am dad, I really am." She sighed happily.

"You love him don't you?" She blushed as she looked at her feet and nodded. "Well he is a good lad and I think he really loves you too." Maddie looked up into her dad's face and smiled before giving him a hug.

"I love you dad."

"I love you too, M&M." He pulled away from her as Jasper walked into the kitchen to see where she had gotten to. "I'll leave the two of you to it." Dave McCarthy nodded at Jasper and shook his hand as he returned to lounge.

"What was that all about?" Jasper looked after her father confused.

"I believe that that was my father accepting you as my boyfriend. I love you so much it hurts." Maddie looked into Jasper's eyes and found them so full of love her heart seemed to grow to twice the size and beat twice as hard.

"Well you better tell me where it hurts and I'll kiss it better." He grinned and leant down to kiss her gently on the lips, when he pulled back he smiled softly and whispered. "I love you too, more than I've loved anything or anyone in my life." Maddie looked into the eyes of the person she loved most in the world and lost herself in all the happiness and hope she felt.

The End

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