Chapter 15 - All's fair in Love and War

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Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zeroes – Home

By the time she’d reached home, Maddie was regretting what she had said to Ali. It had been completely spur of the moment and she hadn’t really got any intention of asking Jasper, well no real intentions anyway. Her phone began to ring, as she pulled it from her pocket she saw Jasper’s name on caller ID, it was the third time he’d tried to call her since she’d left the pub and she really didn’t feel like talking to him right now.

She hit decline and stuffed her phone back into her pocket. Sighing heavily, she leant back on the front door. “Mads is that you?” Kate called as walked through the lounge door and stood in the hallway. “Are you okay? You look a little stressed.” Stressed was an understatement.

“Uh huh, I think I’ve just done something really stupid. Have you ever been on Ali’s bad side before? It ain’t pretty and I’ve gone and got into the worst possible position. So yeah I’m kind of stressed.”

“Well I have the perfect solution: a trip to the fair! Lucy and I really want to go this afternoon but mum won’t let us go by ourselves. So would you come with us? Please?” Kate interlocked her fingers and gave Maddie a pleading look. At least it would give her a chance to forget all about Ali and Jasper.

“Okay, fine. I’ll go as long as you buy me some candyfloss.” Maddie smiled to herself as Kate grabbed her around the midriff and hugged her tightly.

“I just need to get out for a while, I feel cooped up in here. Thank you so much, I’m meeting Lucy in 15 minutes, so please get ready.”

“Hang on, what if I’d said no?” Maddie crossed her arms.

“I knew you wouldn’t, you’re my sister and you love me!” Kate shrugged and smiled before walking back into the living room, phone in hand. Maddie shook her head and chuckled, her sister was a clever, devious little person but she did love her. She took her jacket off and headed upstairs to take a quick shower and get changed.

When she got back downstairs Kate was waiting for her in the hall. “Finally, what took you so long?”

“Hey! Be nice or I might change my mind and decide not to go.” Maddie froze on the bottom step and raised her eyebrows at her sister.

“Sorry, this really does mean a lot to me. Thank you!”

The two of them headed out of the front door and through their front yard. “Where is mum anyway?”

“She took Teddy for a walk, I’ve texted her to let her know you’re chaperoning me like she said was okay.” Kate took a sharp turn into Lucy and Jasper’s gate, Maddie’s heart began to race as she waited on the path outside, what was wrong with her? It’s not like he was there or anything. Those were some famous last words he noted to herself as she saw Jasper coming out of the house behind his sister. He had a smile on his face but it never quite reached his eyes, they only conveyed a look of concern.

Kate and Lucy hugged before leading the way along the road, while Jasper fell into step next to Maddie, an awkward silence settled between them as they walked beside each other. She kept her eyes to the ground and moved forward, avoiding any eye contact she could. After a few minutes Jasper spoke in a hushed voice so that only she could hear him.

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