May - I

506 24 2

The view of the blossoming hills of Nara flooded the windows of the Shinkansen as the city loomed on the horizon, ever closer and more dazzling, illuminated by a warm sun that gave the landscape and surrounding nature a golden glow.

Nori took off her headphones and rummaged through her shoulder bag for her mirrorless camera, determined to capture this postcard-perfect view before the train plunged into another tunnel.

The soft snoring of the boy sitting next to her made her turn around: Bokuto had collapsed minutes after they'd left Tokyo, and for the next several hours of the trip he hadn't moved an inch, the phone in his lap open to a recording of a team game from last year.

He hadn't even woken up when a child started crying and running back and forth, jumping on the seats, or when Nori put on her headphones with the music on full blast, trying to stay awake and not end up like him.

In fact, unlike Kotaro, she couldn't sleep on public transportation: on the one hand, she was afraid of not waking up in time and not getting off at her destination; on the other hand, she had been traumatized when she had fallen asleep on the bus in elementary school with her mouth wide open in front of the whole class and some kids had taken horrible pictures of her with a stream of drool running down her chin.

The same blissful and serene expression was painted on Kotaro's face, as if he was dozing peacefully. Seeing him in that state gave her an idea, and so she leaned over him, determined to take some pictures and capture that rare moment of calm from the same person who was never able to sit still or restrain his exaggerated reactions to anything.

She was about to retreat when the metallic voice announcing the train's arrival at Nara Station made her jump and land on top of him. She tried to pull herself up, but Bokuto, still asleep, unconsciously held her to his chest, still not stopping his loud snoring. Nori couldn't even breathe as he held her against his chest, so she had no choice but to give him a small but firm nudge that finally woke him up.

"Oh? Nori-chan? What happened?" he asked her, yawning and starting to stretch "Um, did you fall asleep on me by any chance? I'm actually very comfortable as a pillow, aren't I?" he added, smugly looking down at his muscular arms.

She pretended not to hear him and took a deep breath, wondering how she was going to get through the day without losing her patience with him.


The open space in front of Todai-ji was crowded with people, I observed, trying not to lose sight of Bokuto, who was talking, or rather shouting, on the phone with Akaashi, gesticulating and moving constantly like a crazy top.

Eventually, I saw him end the call, panting and crossing his arms over his chest, his gaze on fire, but that reaction lasted only a few seconds, because the next moment I caught a glimpse of him sinking into the same abyss of despair I had first witnessed a few weeks ago: his famous emo mode.

"Noooriiii-chaaan! Akaashi said that because he has to help his grandparents with the ryokan he really can't join us or return to Tokyo before Sunday's game. Apparently, they've just recently reopened after months of renovations, and he, being the only grandson, couldn't say no!" he told me after he reached me, his voice hoarse and whiny "But that's not fair! He promised me that we would train together!!"

"Bokuto-san, I'm sure it wasn't his decision, and besides, you still have tomorrow and the next day to go to the gym and train with the others. You can always ask Anahori-san to set the ball for you and..." I bit my lip, aware of the trouble I was getting myself into, but I simply couldn't see and tolerate Bokuto in that condition, not with a three and a half hour ride back ahead of us.

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