July - II

309 17 4

The air smelled of the many food stalls that lined the streets, teeming with people, lanterns, and other colorful decorations, while the sound of drums and the joyful shouts of street performers drowned out all other sounds, transforming the Asakusa district into some sort of ancient Edo-era village, though one only had to look up at the buildings and the electric wires woven between the antennas and light poles to realize that they were still in modern Tokyo.

Nori leaned against the cold wall behind her, trying not to get carried away by the crowd, while she fixed her new yukata with one hand for the umpteenth time. In the end, the one her grandmother had given her a few years ago was too short and a bit tight around her hips, so she had asked her mother to go shopping for a new one with her, and being the shopaholic that she was, she had agreed.

"Nori-chan! Luckily, we found you!" Kaori's voice made her turn around.

"Good thing you sent us your location, with this crowd tonight it'll be impossible to meet up with the others!" Yukie added, biting into a colorful dango skewer.

"Hey, you could have waited up for me! We decided to go eat together!" Shikako protested.

"Mmm, I'm sorry, but these sweets seemed to call to me, I couldn't resist!"

"Nori, did you happen to hear from Akaashi and Bokuto?" Kaori asked, waving a small paper fan decorated with floral patterns.

"Yeah, they told me they'd be here any minute."

"Oh, I think I see them!" Yukie exclaimed, pointing to two boys right in front of them.

Keiji caught a glimpse of the girls looking at him and nodded to them as he approached while Kotaro waved his arms and increased his speed to catch up with them.

"Akaashi-kun, I didn't know you would wear a yukata!" said Kaori, admiring the dark blue robe he was wearing.

"I made him do it! It really suits him, don't you think, Kaorin?"

"Well, you really did a good job, Bokuto-san! I mean, you both look great!" Nori said smiling, pulling her cell phone out of the small silk bag on her wrist, "It would be a shame not to take a picture of you two!" she added, her eyes twinkling.

Years of historical dramas, a passion passed down to her from her grandmother, had made her a bit of a sucker for traditional clothing, especially men's, so she couldn't pass up an opportunity like this.

Bokuto turned to her at this request, pausing for a few seconds to study her more closely. He'd always had a soft spot for girls in yukata, and seeing her wearing one made him stare at her for a few moments: her hair gathered in an elegant bun at the nape of her bare neck, and there seemed to be something different about her face as well, her cheeks were rosier and her lips...

"Hey Nori, did you eat takoyaki? Your lips are all shiny and sticky! "

"What an idiot... it's called lip gloss, Bokuto-san!" said Yukie, laughing with amusement.

Nori moistened her lips, thinking she'd put in too much, and then leaned into her phone, hiding the smile that had come to her lips behind the screen.

The photo had come out well, she thought as she looked at the picture, a few moments before she felt Kotaro grab her by the shoulders and pull her towards them, taking the phone from her hand and starting to take one selfie after another while she mumbled in annoyance. But after a while she gave in, determined to play along as long as she could keep him happy.

"Oh, Saru just texted me, he said he and Komi stopped at a yakitori stand and are literally stuffing their faces with skewers... do you want us to join them?" asked Kaori, looking at them expectantly.

The Deer & The Owl [Haikyuu x OC]Where stories live. Discover now