June - I

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Summer was finally coming to Tokyo, Nori thought, thankful for the last few sunny days after weeks of rain and boring clouds, as she took off her school uniform and put it on her desk chair.

It felt strange to be home that afternoon: the club had suspended practice for a few days because the third years were on a school trip, and since there were only four of them left, the coach had decided to give them a few days off.

After the Kanto Tournament at the beginning of the month and the last few friendlies, they all needed to get some rest before they started training for the Interhigh and Nationals.

She threw herself onto the bed, looking forward to the hours of freedom and relaxation that awaited her, when she heard her cell phone vibrate.

"Mom? Are you okay?" she replied, surprised that her mother was calling her from work.

"Nori, are you home already? You don't have to go to the club today, right?"

"No, why?"

This strange request began to make her suspicious.

"Oh good, perfect! Listen, would you do me a favor? In the closet next to my room, there is a box with my old tools and materials from my college days. If you look closely, you should find a canvas bag with some brushes in it... would you please bring them to me?"

"You mean right now? At your school?"

Nori started to panic as she saw her free afternoon fading away.

"Yeah, I'm still in the teachers' lounge and I have to work until tonight, I just can't get home early. Come on, you don't have any plans, do you? I'll send you the location of the institute, so you'll have no excuse for being late! I'll wait for you here!"

Nori sighed, accepting defeat and scrolling through the directions that would lead her to Nekoma High.


I clutched the strap of the shoulder bag to which I had tied the canvas bag with the brushes as I made my way to the gym where my mother had arranged to meet me.

I had been trying to avoid such a situation for months, ever since one evening shortly after our arrival in Tokyo, when she had openly told me that she had agreed to become the faculty advisor for the boys' volleyball club at her new school.

The thought of running into her in that setting was far too embarrassing to accept, so when Kaori had suggested that Yukie and I share attendance at the friendlies with the other three teams that were part of the Fukurodani Academy Group, I had immediately volunteered to cover the games against Shinzen and thus avoid meeting Nekoma.

I knew, however, that it was only a matter of time and that I couldn't put off the moment any longer, and so it was.

I was almost at the rendezvous point indicated by the directions I had received when I caught a glimpse of a group of boys led by my mother who, upon noticing my presence, began to call out to me loudly, causing everyone present to turn in my direction.

I walked over to them, trying hard to hide my growing embarrassment, hoping not to stumble as I felt everyone's eyes on me.

"Good thing you made it! Guys, this is my daughter, Shikako Nori, and she was kind enough to volunteer to help you finish painting the gym! Since you've offered to finish the work by today so that you can resume training as soon as possible, I thought you could use an extra pair of arms and some paint brushes!" she exclaimed, approaching me to take off the canvas bag I'd brought, and then distributing the tools to those present, who still hadn't stopped staring at me.

I stood still, feeling the blood freeze in my veins: she had set me up again, and I had fallen for it.

How could I have been so naive?

The Deer & The Owl [Haikyuu x OC]Where stories live. Discover now