November - II

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I stared at the screen without understanding whether the images passing before my eyes were real or a figment of my imagination. I still felt confused, as if I had suddenly woken up from a wonderful dream.

But it was all true, it had really happened, as my aching and pleasantly tired body could attest. I turned up the volume on the TV so that the voices and music from the movie we had put on could cover my thoughts, which I didn't have the strength to deal with at that moment.

I could feel Kotaro's restlessness sitting next to me, but despite his furtive glances and nervous hands that he fiddled with, I forced myself to ignore him, feeling my body completely paralysed by the embarrassment I felt.

I saw him finally find the courage to open his mouth and turn to me.

But at that moment, as in the most classic of horror films, the light went out, leaving us completely in the dark.

Fighting not to scream, I grabbed his wrist in fear and felt him flinch at my touch.

"N-Nori-chan, y-you scared me!!! " he shouted, his voice tense and shrill

"Maybe it's just a temporary disturbance on the road, let's try to wait for the light to come back" I suggested, trying to encourage him, knowing he was more scared than I was

We stayed like that for a few minutes, our hands clasped together, unable to say a word.

"Mmm, now that I think about it, the first day we moved here, Grandma showed me a cupboard with the electrical panel near the entrance, maybe we just need to turn the power back on from there..." I muttered, suddenly remembering this detail "Do you have your mobile phone? I left mine in my room" I added, turning towards his profile, hidden by the darkness

He pulled it out, activated the flashlight and pointed it at me.

"Come on, give me some light and walk with me" I said, standing up and pulling him by the sleeve of his sweatshirt.


This situation had suddenly become funny, I thought as I moved forward in small steps with Bokuto glued to me, his breath tickling my neck: I thought he was a wimp after our misadventure in the haunted house at the Cultural Festival, but I didn't think it was that bad.

We finally made it to the utility room, and after pulling up the lever on the electrical system, the lights thankfully came back on.

I heard him sigh dramatically, and without being able to hold it in any longer, I burst out laughing, feeling the tension that had built up until then disappear completely.

"Hey Nori-chin!!! You're not laughing at me, are you?" he said with an exaggerated pout

"You had a terrified face that was too funny!" I confessed between laughs

He looked at me, pretending to be offended, but after a few seconds he leaned over me and touched my hips.

I knew immediately what he was up to.

"Now I'll make you laugh!" he shouted and started to tickle me, one of my weaknesses, making me shake with uncontrollable laughter

"Enough, Kotaro, I give up! Come on, stop it... or I'll make you pay, baka!" I shouted at him, feeling that I had reached the limit of my endurance

He finally stopped, grinning, and then grabbed me as he saw my knees weaken, causing me to lose my balance.

He picked me up and carried me back into the house, smiling as I tried to catch my breath.

The Deer & The Owl [Haikyuu x OC]Where stories live. Discover now