October - I

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The bell had long since rung, but the class seemed reluctant to return to their seats, too caught up in the palpable euphoria that seemed to fill the room, mingled with the chatter and shouting that was more heated and lively than usual.

Nori stretched out in her chair and looked around: study time was about to start, but she knew, like all her classmates, that this day would be different.

She glanced at Akaashi, who was sitting a few rows behind her, and saw him hunched over his Japanese history book, busily arranging the notes he had taken the hour before.

She leaned over, trying to get his attention, but at that moment, Fujiwara Endo, the class representative of Section 2-6, walked over to the desk and began silently filling in the blackboard behind him.

"You all know that we only have one hour to decide, so please take your seats so that we can start the first assembly of the Cultural Festival!" he said in a solemn tone, turning to his classmates who had started to return to their desks.

It was finally that time of the year: the month leading up to the Bunkasai Festival, one of the many Japanese school activity that Shikako had never experienced but had always been fascinated by.

"As you may remember, last year we had a photo exhibition where we displayed the photos we had taken together as well as some paintings we had made in art class, thanks to the support of Professor Harada and some school clubs. But this year will be different... we have to aim high!" he exclaimed, gazing intently at the rows of students in front of him "We'll start by collecting submissions and then move on to the voting phase. Ueda-san will mark the ideas on the board and count the votes" he concluded, exchanging glances with Ueda Sayuri, the other class representative, who had taken a seat next to him.

After a few moments, the first timid hands were raised, breaking the momentary tension that had descended on the desks, and after only ten minutes or so, the noise had returned, with the students commenting and shouting out their suggestions, while Fujiwara and Ueda tried to keep them at bay and keep up with what was being said.

"We could have a crêpes and waffles stand! That always attracts lots of girls!"

"Matsuda-san, you're still the same old pervert! Besides, Class 2-4 already does that every year!"

"What if we set up a fortune-telling booth? We could read tarot cards and tell couples their futures!"

"Mmm, last year Matsumoto-sensei advised us against it because it creates too many queues..." "I've got it! A maid cafe! Maybe with a fantasy or cosplay theme!"

"A third year class already does that! What if we make some kawaii photo booths where you can take souvenir photos?"

"Arimi-chan, that would be too similar to what we did last year!"

Nori tried to listen to all the suggestions, feeling the desire to intervene growing inside her, something that had been happening to her a lot lately. She had stopped ignoring everything that was going on around her, and had instead begun to observe her classmates more closely: the dynamics of the class, the couples and groups that had formed.

It was as if she had come back from the summer that had just passed with the desire to work even harder to get out of her bubble, out of her comfort zone.

"A musical!" she heard herself say as she raised her hand, the faces of everyone, one by one, turned to stare at her, surprised and dumbfounded

"Shikako-san, we thank you for the suggestion, but I don't think it's feasible. Last year, we had to cancel the live performance option because no one could dance or sing. But we can mark your idea as a school play" Fujiwara replied to her

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