3 - The plan

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Meanwhile, at Eggman's lair, Doctor Eggman called his Metal Team Sonic (Metal Sonic wasn't here because he's upgrading himself into a new form).

In the lair's main room.

Eggman: Allright, everyone! I want you to listen to me clearly!

Metal Team Sonic: Aye, Doctor!

Eggman: Metal Shadow!

Metal Shadow: Yes, Doctor?

Eggman: When you sang "I wanna be like you", you gave me an idea for a plan. And this is the plan

Metal Shadow: Wow...

Eggman: The first part only requires 2 of you, and it's very simple. The rest will only help if things get worse.

Metal Tails: We're all ears.

Eggman: I need that the 2 of you to capture Amy Rose, the pink member of Team Sonic.

Metal Amy: My normal counterpart?

Eggman: Yes. Once you did it, bring her to my lair. The rest of the plan I'll do it myself.

Metal Sticks: That's easy. We only need that one of us makes a distraction, and the other knocks out the Team and we capture Amy.

Eggman: Exactly! And, and just because you said it, you and Metal Amy will be the chosen ones.

Metal Sticks & Metal Amy: Yeah!

Eggman: Now, go!

Metal Team Sonic leaves the main room, leaving Eggman alone.

Eggman: *whispering* Meanwhile... *Pushes a button on his controller which makes a tiny flying back box fly toward Eggman. The box then opens itself, revealing an incomplete purple-glowing ruby in the form of a crescent moon.* I'll find the rest of the Phantom Ruby.

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