8 - Unexpected salvation

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It was Shadow who shouted, he was 5 meters next to Team Sonic, and he did not look happy.

Eggman: Shadow? You here?

Shadow: Release her, now!

Eggman: Why should I? *with sarcasm* Do you love her? *makes a mocking laugh* Ohohohoho!

Shadow: Listen, Eggdumb, I may dislike Sonic and his friends, but if there is one thing I hate, is to see people suffering to death!

Eggman: Well that's strange, once you wanted to destroy the whole universe...

Shadow: Past is past, Eggman.

Eggman: Yes... You're right, the past is past... Like she will BE!

Eggman touches his controller, deactivating the chain that holds the cage, making it fall to the sea.

Team Sonic: *gasps*, EGGMAN!!!

Knuckles: I'll go!

Eggman: Oh no, you won't!

Eggman launches two smoke missiles from his Eggmobile, which release clouds of smoke when they explode, blinding Team Sonic and Shadow.

Eggman: Hasta la vista, losers. *Flies away* Ohohohohohoh!

Shadow, barely seeing through the smoke, jumps randomly and falls into the water, there he could at the bottom the cage with Sticks unconscious inside. He swimmed to the cage, but when he got too close, a heat-seeking torpedo suddenly is launched from the cage and goes toward Shadow.

Shadow: (It's good that I upgraded my boots)

By pushing a button on one of his boots, he propelled himself in the water, the only thing he had to do was to lose the missile. But he has an idea, he propelled right to the cage, with the missile on his trail. Then, when he was close enough, another missile was about to be launched right in front of him, but he went up, causing the missile to collide with the other one and exploded, destroying the cage. When Shadow saw Sticks's unconscious body floating, he take her into his arms, and went to a beach a bit far from Seaside Coast.

Sonic Boom: Shadow x Sticks - How it startedWhere stories live. Discover now