6 - A hidden room

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Meanwhile Eggman was absent from his lair after brainwashing Amy ("It's part of the plan" as he said while going on his Eggmobile), Metal Team Sonic were playing Hide 'n' Seek using their invisibility mode around the place.

Metal Shadow: *Touches the arm of an invisible Metal Amy* Found you!

Metal Amy: *Deactives her invisible mode* Wow. Very impressive.

Metal Shadow: Do you know where the others are hidden?

Metal Amy: Only Metal Knuckles, he's... *Sees a mid-opened hidden door* Look!

Metal Shadow: A hidden door?

Metal Amy: Perhaps we should wait until Eggman returns...

Metal Shadow: He may not return before a long time. I'll warn the others.

Metal Team Sonic entered the hidden room. Inside, there were 3 big shelves with bunches of big rolled papers each one. Metal Sticks picked one randomly, and in that paper there was a title written "Project Phantom" with lots of text, an image of the Phantom Ruby and two images of strange-looking-like robots, one robot way tinier than the other, and most parts of the paper were hidden by a big stamp saying "ABANDONED!"

Metal Knuckles: *Smiles* Time to finish the unfinished.

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