10 - Project Phantom

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When Eggman learned about the destroyed empty cage and thought that either Team Sonic or Shadow rescued Sticks, he wasn't happy. Later, he called his Metal Team Sonic.

In the lair's main room.

Metal Tails: You called us, Doctor?

Eggman: What were you doing during my absence?

Metal Amy: We started one of your abandoned projects, Doctor.

Eggman: What? Which one?

Metal Shadow: You'll see...

Metal Team Sonic and Eggman grouped and Metal Shadow activated his teleportation device, and they teleported into a giant cave. Metal Knuckles turned the lights on, revealing an incomplete giant robot.

Eggman: That one?

Metal Shadow: Yes, the white robot, the arms, the torso and the head are finished, we only need to build the tentacles and the tail, and you only have to get the Phantom Ruby.

Eggman: Oh Oh. Sonic... Prepare to meet... Your DOOM! Ohohoh! Ahahah! OH OH HAHA!

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