6: Last Agony.

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I struggled trying to get myself out of their grip. I didn't know what was holding me down but it was definitely worse with the dress. The clay stuck to it and it became heavy, pulling me down even more.

I was gasping for air, I moved my arms around, trying to swim through the thick substance but all in vain. I felt my leg get scratched, skin being torn and blood oozing out. I was sinking. And I was tired. I couldn't move any further. I felt like the clay was consuming me, I was being dissolved into it, just like the house was. I closed my eyes thinking this was the end.


I woke up on the bed with absolutely no idea what had happened. My head hurt like it certain parts of it were being pulled apart from the inside. I sat up straight adjusting my clothes. Then I noticed something.

Forcing myself to get out of the bed, I stood up and I was shocked to see the dress completely spotless. 

The red stains, clay stuck in it, all gone, disappeared like it was just wet. And I'm sure it was the same dress. I wasn't any other one. Confusion took over me and I lifted my leg to place it on the bed. 

I was sure I was scratched, I felt it! But there was no hurt, no scratches, no bruises, nothing.

I gripped the bed to calm myself. I'm sure there's a rational explanation to this, I told myself. As soon as my naked hand touched the bedframe, I saw Thomas carrying me in his arms, and gently placing me on the bed. He saved me? I was filled with joy at his cute action, but it was short lived. I saw Lucille storm in through the door, grabbing Thomas by the shoulder and dragging him out along with her. 

Snapping out of my trance, I ran out of the door. I could hear whispers, the sounds of moans and cries of all the ghosts I had freed, they all repeated the same thing to me. But every time I ignored it. They told me through their memories that All who set foot in this house, are poisoned and death eventually follows. The poison doesn't necessarily mean literal poison, it's the mental trauma that you are put through. The women, the previous occupants, all either committed suicide or were found dead, reason- unknown.

That's why I was here right? Get rid of the ghosts who haunt this place. Every single one of them. And that's what I'll do.

I went out to the inhouse balcony, where Thomas and I met for the first time. I had no idea how long it had been since I was living here. I had a number in mind, but Thomas claimed that it had been a month. But the house was worse than before, you couldn't see the floor anymore. There was at least three feet of the red clay, filled till the stairs. The roof was completely destroyed. And there was a snow storm outside causing all the snow to enter the house and rest on the crumbled furniture. 

I heard Thomas' voice and tried to go in that direction but a ghost emerged from the clay. She was red as blood just like the others and was filled with sorrow. She was definitely the most hurt of all the women. I looked at her hands and she was holding a baby.. I immediately knew who she was.

"I can help you. I promise, it won't hurt you." She had already been through a lot. So I decided to take her pain on myself. I could take it, I guess.

I reached out to her, spreading my arms. She was high up and slowly descending to me, she didn't place her hands in mine, but carefully handed me her baby. Mothers, and putting their kids first, for everything.

It didn't take long for me to get the innocent little thing to forgive Lucille. By this time, I knew that she was the one who had murdered all these people, but I still didn't know why she did all of this. It was the very reason why her ghost was black and wouldn't leave. She chose to stay here, but she was wrong. Letting go is the perfect definition of relief.

Glancing through the baby's memories, I saw him being born. He was born in this house itself. In one of the rooms. Thomas delivered the baby and I was flabbergasted to see Enola just beside him. She wasn't the kid's mother......Then who was. I had to speak to her. 

I opened my eyes and the kid's soul had left my arms and drifted into heaven, for sure. 

"Enola, I know you've been hiding from me. But this is it, this is the time. Give me your hand." I yelled at her and raised my hand. She was hesitant but she took my hand in hers and placed it on her head.

She was indeed the worst affected. She was treat horribly and then brutally murdered by Lucille. I took it all, the pain, the trauma, the vicious game that Lucille and the other guy played. Though we were in a snow storm, I could feel the sweat trickling down my forehead and back. My eyes felt like they were being gauged out of their sockets, I was looking beyond what I was supposed to.

Scanning through her memories, they stopped on a specific one. I didn't stop it, it was Enola who was controlling her memories now. I didn't think that was possible. But I knew she was a strong ghost. Clearing her head would be difficult.

I saw the man and Lucille, talking to each, with led to more things and soon they were all over each other. I realised that this was what Enola had seen. The man, her husband, was cheating on her with Lucille.

I tried focusing on the face. The man was the only ghost I hadn't seen yet. I couldn't even sense him.

My body was giving up on me. I was feeling nauseous and I dropped to my knees, pulling Enola along with me. She sat by my side, and ran her hand through my hair, trying to comfort me.

I took a deep breath and held it. Putting all of my energy, strength and power into finding out the man's identity.

He was....

The man....

The man I kept seeing with all three of women........was Thomas.

I completely collapsed on the floor and saw Enola being relived of her bondage. Like telling me the truth was her purpose. The reason for her being trapped was to reveal all of this to me.

Thomas, was the true planner, the mastermind behind all of this. He brought the women, Lucille murdered them and they enjoyed in the filthy money that they received through their treacherous plans.

And he was with Lucille. They were together. The child was theirs. I couldn't stop the tears that streamed down my face.

No. I wasn't going to sit and cry about this. I want answers and I will get them. Thomas has to tell me the truth. Did he even love me? Or even after Lucille wad dead he was trying to keep her happy by bringing her women like me.

I was hired by an anonymous person. Maybe it was in fact Thomas who hired me.

Again I heard voices, but not of any other ghosts. But of Lucille and Thomas. Using all the strength that I had, I lifted myself up and made my way to the room.

Death is never The End // Thomas Sharpe X Reader.Where stories live. Discover now