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[Four months after Avengers: Endgame/ Two months before The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

(If you were hoping for more, sorry. I couldn't think of any others, so we're just having the one. It's a good one though, I think, despite that it's a short one. I hope y'all enjoy!)]

Rosie sat staring at the test in her hands.

Bucky, who was sitting, next to her, said, "What are you thinking, doll?"

She shook her head slowly. "I don't know. I'm scared, Buck."

"Scared of what?"

"What if this is positive and when we have the baby, I'm not a good mother? Mine barely spent time with me and look where she ended up."

"Rosie, you aren't your mother. You're the kindest woman I've ever met, and I'm glad we can share this life together. You're going to make an amazing mother, doll. Trust me."

Rosie let out a sigh. "How can I when I don't believe in myself?"

"The words won't trigger us anymore. We're free."

"That doesn't dispute the fact that-" She stopped and looked at the test. "Bucky."

Bucky looked at the test. "Two pink lines. Rosie, we're gonna have a family."

"I'm scared."

"To be honest, I am too. But we'll get through it like we always do. Together."

She nodded slowly and moved closer to him. "I don't know how to be a good mother. After all, I did have a pretty poor example of one."

"Like I said, Rosie, together. This is something we'll figure out as we go. Caring for a new baby will be hard, but I know we'll succeed."

Rosie smiled softly. "We're gonna be parents."

"Yes we are."

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