The plan

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As I walk walking down the hall, I saw all three of them walk towards me, Dolores, Camilo and Mirabel. Mirabel wasn't looking ahead, in fact she was looking at the floor. I sighed she still hasn't forgave me, it's not my fault I got a door and she didn't I thought to myself. I tried to avoid her, but I feel like it's time to get her involved again. I wish she would just forgive me. "Dolores, have you told them" I said stopping in my steps and looking at her. She nodded "yes and they've all agreed" I looked at Mirabel, who still isn't looking at me. I nodded my head, looking back at Dolores. "We will go into my room, no one comes in there because it's my quiet place" Dolores said, leading us to her room.

When we reached her door, she opened it slowly. For some reason her door did not squeak like the others. I thought nothing of it, until I walked in. I gasped, I had never been in Dolores room and now I know why. I mean if she had showed me this before I would've moved in. She laughed from the look on my face. "See this is why I didn't tell you, you and your obsession with books" I squealed from delight of all the books. I heard Mirabel laugh, this made me smile even more. I looked at Dolores "yes you can come in here whenever you want and borrow a book" she said laughing. I jumped in the air "Thank you!" I said throwing my arms around her. After a few seconds I pulled away from the hug and said "right we need to figure out a plan, I've been thinking and i know what each one of you need to do" i said looking at Dolores.

"Dolores I need you to keep a eye out for any information, mainly listen to Isla talking." She nodded her head. I turned to face Camilo, "once Dolores gets some information such as meetings, I'll need you to shape shift into Isla and go meet them. You won't be left in the dirt, because Dolores will tell you the details of what is happening with them both." He nodded his head, "What if they click on it isn't Isla" he said nervously. "Dolores will hear immediately, she'll be close by and so will I. Once we hear that they've clicked on I'll show my face." Camilo gasped "you can't do that!" He said crossing his arms. I rolled my eyes "I can and I will, I am more powerful than all of you. I won't be in any danger." I said making sure it didn't sound bitchy. He nodded his head, I could tell he didn't agree but he didn't wanna argue. "Now Mirabel.. I need you to distract Isla, make sure she doesn't actually go to the meeting cause if she does this will all be a fuck up" I said in a stern voice.

She looked at me, "Okay, do we have a date?" She asked me. We all turned to face Dolores, "after a bit when me and y/n had finished talking and went out separate ways, I heard Isla and unknown have another meeting. Still she is trying to get out of it, and they still aren't letting her. She does have to go to another meeting even though she's telling them no, I don't know why but all I know is that they should be meeting at the lake, around 5ish in the afternoon in one day Now this is straight after dinner, so Mirabel will need to ask her for help with something... maybe fixing a dress?" Dolores said looking at me. I shook my head "no no, Isla won't care about a dress, Mirabel will have to re-arrange her room and need help. Isla will definitely help her then" I said and Mirabel nodded her head. "Is that all?" I said looking at Dolores. "Yes that's all, anything else I'll let you know" She said nervously. I stared at her, I felt like there was something she wasn't telling me but I nodded my head "they'll be a meeting again soon, the night before the big day" I said bravely before leaving the room, letting Dolores tell Camilo and Mirabel the dirt.

This was the plan

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