Chapter 3

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Brian's pov

"This is the place," Jessica said as we pulled up outside a restaurant "cool," I replied as we got out. We went inside and to a table. "So Brian, I'd like to get to know you," Jessica said "okay?" I replied "so where are you from and how old are you?" She asked "I'm from Northern England and I'm 24," I answered "so, Louis hired a kid and that kid is now the attorney of one of the biggest clients we've ever had," Jessica stated "I can get you some more multibillion clients if you want me to, I'll take a few risks," I chuckled "and who would these companies be exactly?" "Microsoft, Sony, Amazon, a few games companies for sure, should I go on?" "I think we've finally found someone who's got just as much balls and arrogance as Harvey does," Jessica commented "if I've got as much balls as Harvey, then I'll be a partner by the end of next year," I joked "put in the work and it might happen, who knows?" I chuckled as a waitress came over to us "may I get you two some drinks?" she asked "we'll have a bottle of scotch," Jessica replied and the waitress walked off. "So, why did you want to take me to dinner? I thought the man is the one to take the woman to dinner," I asked "I wanted to get to know you. What are your goals at the firm?" Jessica replied "to potentially be a name partner," I stated "name partner? I know that you're a decent lawyer but that's a big job," she said "if you think I'm a decent lawyer then you have got a lot to learn," I chuckled "and why is that?" "because I'm still learning what kind of lawyer I am," the scotch came and we both poured a glass and began drinking.

After a few hours and we had eaten I noticed how many drinks we've had and how much is left in the bottle. I watched Jessica go to get the bottle again but quickly stopped her, "I'm cutting us both off," I stated "wha- whyyyy noooot?" she complained "because you've had too much, you may have wanted to pay but I doubt you could stand up straight," I replied. The waitress came over with the bill and I paid. I stood up, put Jessica over my shoulder and walked outside. I called a cab and when it arrived I put Jessica in and sat the other side of her and we left. 

We soon arrived at my apartment complex and I carried Jessica up to my apartment. "Where are weeeeee?" she groaned in a fit of giggles "my apartment," I replied and put her on the bed before going to the couch and falling asleep on it. 

Word count: 476

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