Chapter 6

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Brian's pov

I woke up to banging on my door. I got dressed and opened it to see Father stood there. "Morning," I said as he pushed past me "you are going to give me back my client," he ordered "really? Not even a 'morning' or a 'hello'? You show up at your son's door just to get him to give you back his client," I replied "oh, and might I add that we are at war and only one is coming out of this with his head still on and that person is me. I'm not that little kid that dreamed of being an author anymore, because I'm a lawyer and damn good one so far," I growled "do not speak to me like that, I am your father, and this is a right tip," he replied. "I'm not a kid anymore, so unless you're actually gonna treat me like your son and not just some other lawyer you're suing because you're just a petty old man, get the hell out," I snarled and he left.

I arrived at the firm to see Louis stood there. "Louis, what are you doing?" I asked "waiting for you, now are you ready to kick his ass?" Louis replied "I asked Harvey to be in there with me actually, but now I want to be the only one in there," I stated "what? Why?" "Because this is my chance to show my father I'm not just another lawyer he can bully into submission. I also genuinely believe that we should merge but Jessica doesn't think I'm experienced enough," I explained "okay, normally I wouldn't be so lenient with you associates, but I will be just this once because I'm such a nice guy. So get your ass in there," Louis said and we went up.

"Hey Brian, ready to watch a pro?" Harvey asked when we got out the elevator "yeah you're looking at him, sorry Harvey but I'm doing this," I replied and his face went from one of arrogance to one of annoyance "you are a new associate, what makes you think that you can take him on?" he asked "I'm his son, I watched the man work for most of my childhood," I explained as I began walking to the conference room "you are not going in there," Harvey ordered "you may be the best closer in the city, but I'm the best associate in the city," I said and went in with my files.

"Alright let's get this shit over and done with so we can move on with our lives," I said seeing Father sat across the table with a contract in front of him "alright sign this contract and this thing all goes away," he said passing it over. I read it and saw that the only thing is to give him the client back, "we're not doing this, give a better offer or I'll give you one, and it won't be pretty. If you don't let this thing go I will get you kicked out of your own firm, because no secretary at your firm is competent enough to have given you the ability to practice law in this country, let alone this city in the amount of time since I signed any client," I said "then you don't know my secretary, because I have a different one now," Father replied "I can get you on one of a million things, you've shared far too much with me," I stated taking out one of the files and passing it to him, "this... this is five months before I adopted you, and it's- no you can't do this to me!" he yelled "oh I can," I smirked "and if you aren't resigned by the end of the week, I am going to file this," I said showing a sexual assault file. He read through it and I knew he was shocked, "please, no, I'm your father, you can't, I sent you to law school I-" "came after my firm, you're not my father, as a matter of fact I know you have committed several crimes in the last month, so sign this," I ordered putting a contract in front of him. He read it with worry all over his face, "what's with that face? Annoyed that your boy killed an old man?" I taunted "you beat me, not kill me," he said and signed the contract. I picked it up and stood up to leave, "now get your ass on the next flight out, oh! and here's the ticket for that plane," I said passing him the ticket.

I went to Jessica's office to find her sat at her desk. "He's gone, permanently," I said putting the contract on her desk "you know we really ought to consider Harvey being the best closer this city has ever seen," she said as she read through it "don't compare me to the greats without me doing anything for it," I replied with a smirk. "You really are a good lawyer," Jessica commented as I was about to leave "not only is he loosing his firm, I'll make him lose his licence," I added "and how are you going to do that?" "I'm not gonna tell you, I'm gonna show you," I left and started walking to Harvey's office.

I saw Donna at her desk, "hey Donna, can I see Harvey?" I asked "sure, he's not doing anything," Donna replied "you have a look on your face that says he's not," I said "how did you know that?" "because I got a gift, I can tell when someone's lying," "in all seriousness he's not here, but you can go in," she said and I had quick look to see he isn't "you know what? I don't think I do, he'll probably hear it from Louis," I chuckled and left Donna's desk and went to Louis's office. "Sup Boss," I said walking in "so, how did your first deposition go?" he asked "we won, and my father is 6 feet under," I replied "wait... you killed him?!" "metaphorically spe-" "guys Edward just died," I looked and saw Mike there "what?" I asked walking past. I looked in the conference room and saw him face down on the table. I barged in and began trying to get his pulse but... nothing. "Dad please wake up," I begged, "Brian, I'm sorry," Louis said "I told Jessica he's gone permanently, but I didn't mean like this," "I know, but let's go with the last he saw was you being an amazing lawyer," Louis stated putting a hand on my shoulder.

Word Count: 1105

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