Chapter 12

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Brian's pov

I got to Jessica's office and found her at her desk. "What are you doing here?" she asked "to get Katrina her job back," I replied "oh I see, you think that just because you've brought me some big clients in the last few days you can convince me to give your girlfriend her job back," Jessica said "that's not it, you just said I've brought you some big clients in the last few days. You said I could do what I want with the clients I recently received, well why don't I give her a few or... all of them and ask Louis to write a recommendation to Robert Zane, no doubt he'll take her," I stated "are you threatening me?" she asked standing up and walking up to me "because if so then let me tell you this, I don't respond to threats, I make them," "looks like we're identical in that sense," I said "it appears so, meaning I can't threaten you like I can even the senior partners. I must admit, that's a good maybe even an incredible quality in the sense of say... a senior or name partner, but you're an associate, and that makes it bad one, especially when you're talking to your boss," she replied getting aggressive "let's just go with, you walking down to Katrina's office and you say 'you're rehired and I'll be off your ass unless you've actually done something worth firing for'," I said "and what will you do if I don't?" Jessica asked "wrongful termination suit, I was given the will from my Dad last night, and on it his firm was set to be inherited by me if I so wished, I wasn't originally planning to but considering what you just did to the person I love I actually might," I replied. I could read mild amounts of surprise in her eyes, "oh really now? Do you really think you will be able to win this case?" Jessica asked smirking "it's your decision, bring her back, and I know you haven't terminated her yet, and I won't file it. If you do go through with firing her, I give her the clients, I ask Louis to write a recommendation which he will, and I sue you with the might of one of the biggest and best firms in the world," I stated before walking out. 

I heard my apartment door open and looked to see Katrina stood there. "What did you do?!" she yelled "I got your job back I hope, and if not I'm getting you a new one," I replied "I told you not to confront Jessica! She might fire you!" "and I'm willing to be fired for you!" I yelled "WHY?!" "because I care about you, and I love you," I said. The anger/fury on her face went the second I said this, "wha- really?" she asked "I said that when I asked you to be my girlfriend," I replied walking closer to her "I find it kind of funny that our first argument is on the first day of our relationship is the day of our first argument, is your first day at PearsonHardman, and is the day I say I love you," I said "huh... may I ask what you said to Jessica?" Katrina asked "a threat in some sense..." I muttered "you THREATENED the managing partner?!" she exclaimed "yes... to get your job back," I said "wow, you really are an idiot," she stated "but I'm your idiot," I whispered in her ear "I know, and I love you for it," Katrina replied  as she hugged me. 

I woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon. I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen to find Katrina cooking. I walked up behind her without being noticed and leaned into her ear, "morning Beautiful," I whispered making her scream in surprise "why would you do that?!" she yelled turning around and lightly slapping me in the face "I thought it would be funny, which it was," I said. I saw an annoyed look on her face, "how is it possible that I hate you one minute and love you the next?" Katrina asked "because it's me," I replied smirking. "How about we eat breakfast and then we get into the office later than originally planned?" Katrina said leaning in for a kiss "depends on why you want to be late for work," I replied beginning to kiss her neck.

We arrived at work a few hours later and I could see Louis waiting at the front desk, of the building. "Louis? What are you doing down here?" Katrina asked "I'm down here because your boyfriend here decided to threaten to sue our firm," Louis replied "I did that to get Katrina her job back, it's something called loyalty Louis, and I'd do it even if we weren't dating," I said. I could see a little surprise in his eyes, "so... let me get this straight, you're willing to sue your own firm for someone on the basis that you're loyal to them?" Louis asked "yes Louis, and I'd do the same if it were you who got fired," I stated "hey, go up I'll see you later," I said to Katrina, she nodded and walked off. "You're lucky you even still work here," Louis said "now come on we have a case,".

We got to his office and I saw someone sat on the couch. "Brian, meet Esther. My sister," Louis explained "nice to meet you, what's the problem?" I asked as I shook hands with her "I'm getting a divorce, and I need the best lawyer I can find," she said "what about Louis?" I asked "we both know he's hot headed, he'll lose his cool and try to kill Jeffrey," Esther explained "so you asked for me?' I asked "I asked Louis for someone he trusts, which is why you're here," she said, I nodded and Louis left once I asked him to. "First things I need to know," I began before sitting next to her "are there children involved and what is the reason for the divorce?" I asked "yes, two children, and the reason for us getting a divorce is him cheating on me. He wants to split our company in half so we get equal shares, but I don't want him to have more than 10%," she explained "listen, before we go onto the company part we need to talk with your soon-to-be-ex-husband on what's going to happen with your kids," I said "what do you recommend?" Esther asked "that depends on what relationship he has with the kids, look, when it comes to this side of the divorce I have to think about the children as well as you," I stated, "is this because you're my lawyer?" She asked "no, partly because Louis will kill me if I don't and also because they're going to be effected by this. My moral and ethical obligation outweighs my job no matter what the case or who the client is," I explained.

I set up a deposition with the other lawyer and Louis wanted me to fill him in on things.

"Brian, how's the case going?" He asked as I walked into his office "it's barely started Louis, and we're currently talking about what part Jeffrey is going to have in kids' lives," I explained "that piece of shit is not going to be in their lives," he argued "it's not up to you Louis. This case has nothing to do with you, it's up to Esther and her husband," I replied "to hell it's nothing to do with me. Esther is my sister Brian, look, I care about her. I just wants what's best for her," he said "I know Louis, and I know I'm probably going to be yelled at, but when it comes to the kids I'm going to consider what Jeffrey wants too," I said and it didn't take a lawyer to tell that infuriated him "oh no you will not!" He yelled "Louis! This part of the divorce is not about just what Esther wants, these kids matter more than some company or your hatred for this man!" I yelled back "I am ordering you to do this," he growled "well you should know that this is one order I will not follow. My moral and ethical obligation outweighs everything, I know this is personal for you which is why I'm going to have to ask you to stay out of this case as much as you can," I replied "for Esther's sake," "alright, I trust you. I just have one question," he said "do you think Esther is attractive?" Louis asked "I'm not going to answer that Louis," I replied "I'm ordering you to," "the whole truth? Yes, I think she is attractive, but no I would not sleep with her. Not only am I in a relationship, she's your sister," I stated. I saw he was satisfied with that answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2022 ⏰

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