Detrimental Arguments

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Steve didn't understand magic, everyone knew that. No matter how it was explained he couldn't understand the concept. It was often frustrating which led to him picking fights with their wizard. This time the fight was extra heated, after so many fights in a week the Wizard was just fed up with it. The more Steve spoke the more angry he felt. Could Steve just for once shut up? Couldn't he just be nice? Apparently not.

"You are so over your head." Steve pushed.

"What are you trying to say, Steve?" He pressed. He wasn't going to let this go this time.

"I'm just saying that, magic is fucking stupid. You can't do anything useful with it."

Something snapped within DK. Pure rage. He was beyond pissed. How dare Steve disrespect magic, disrespect him like that! He was capable of so much whether the dumbass understood or not. He wasn't thinking, he aimed to hurt. He blurted words he never should have said.

"Yeah, because you have room to speak, you killed Mimi."

Steve's face dropped. He faltered. Tears started to well in the taller males eyes. DK regretted his words instantly. Steve started to back away from DK, not a word. DK reached out for his friend. "Steve, wait I-"

Steve walked off not listening to him. The taller male disappeared down the hall. DK stood in the cafeteria shocked. He had to open his stupid mouth. Sure, Steve had hurt his feelings but what he said was wrong. He knew Steve blamed himself for it anyway. He knew better than to bring it up. He knew better than to even utter the name. He knew the pain Steve felt. He knew what happened too. He knew Steve was only trying to escape and protect her. He knew how the death killed a part of him. He felt awful. He was a terrible friend. He had to find his friend.

Steve had locked himself in the bathroom. All he could see was her dying in his arms. The blood. Oh god the blood covering him. Her gasps. He could hear them now. No. She couldn't die. Fuck. Shit. He pulled on his hair. He couldn't take it. He caused her to die. It was all his fault. DK was right. He knew he was. He was sobbing. He started to go through the cabinets. He kept a stash in the bathroom just in case. He finally found it. He pulled them out. Syringes of the drug from back then. He didn't even hesitate before injecting them into himself. He wasn't going for a high this time. He sat himself on the floor leaning back against the wall. He let his eyes close, just for a moment.

DK was looking for Steve. It had been a while, where was this man? He was a fucking giant. He couldn't find him. He was about to give up when he heard it. A blood curdling scream. He ran to the direction of the scream. He stopped when he saw who it was. Apollo had screamed. The bathroom door was open, he was standing there sobbing as he stared at something in the bathroom. DK peered into the bathroom. He saw Janet and Kimi next to somebody. Steve. They were next to Steve. Shit. "This is all my fault..."

"What do you mean DK?" Hafu asked.

"He insulted my magic so I told him it was his fault for Mimi..." He muttered feeling nothing but guilt eating him up inside.

"Who's Mimi?" Ellums voice cut through his crowded head. DK froze, of course they didn't know much about Steve. Much less about the girl who died in an attempt to escape SP7 with Steve.

"DK, who is Mimi?" 5up pushed a little. DK continued to remain silent. He wasn't gonna say anything else. The crew continued to ask, but DK still didn't speak.

"Never mind," he whispered. Hafu gave them all a signal, to let DK be. They all continued to stare in shock. Who was Mimi and why would that push Steve over the edge?

A few hours later, Steve woke up. He knew where he was, he just wasn't happy he was still alive. Janet was in there with Kimi and everyone was waiting for him to wake up. His mind drifted to the drugs he used.

Why was he still alive? Apollo came in and saw him awake before rushing to his side

"Steve!" He cried out, sounding worried and scared. He flinched back a little as his boyfriend scolded him slightly for making an attempt. Steve didn't speak for a moment and rolled his eyes

"Should've let me die," he mumbled. He was in pain and looked at Janet. "Janet, everything hurts," she amped up the dose of painkillers she had going through his body and he felt a little relieved.

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