A single need

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DK saw Steve waking up and stepped out of the room. If Steve asked fro him then there was no chance he was leaving cause it would hurt to much. Scar cast the reversal spell before leaving the room quickly and looking at DK.

"Ready?" Scar asked. He knew the answer but felt it was better to ask before just teleporting them home. DK stared into the medbay from the corner, Steve couldn't see him and was looking around before he started to cry. DK looked away, he couldn't watch that

"No, but lets go," he whispered. Scar nodded and a bright light flashed and they both vanished. Steve saw the light and cried out.

"DK!!" He screamed. He wanted his partner and he really didn't want to be in the medbay. It scared him a s memories of the Vanoss crew testing things on him came back. He cried out again for DK. Tina moved to stand in front of him.

"Hey, Steve everything is ok. I need to finish your stitches," stitches required a needle, Steve screamed again and tried to move away. Tina knew he wasn't going to calm down anytime soon for her. "Janet, Kimi, medbay. Come help me," she said through her comm. the girls arrived and Janet started to speak softly to Steve

"Hey bud. Everything is ok. Breathe for me," Steve cried harder at her voice and the sentence. It's something DK would've said to him.

"DK," he managed to choke out between sobs. Kimi and Janet glanced at each other. They didn't know what to do. Steve had never been this distressed over being in the medbay, and certainly not over DK not being there.

"Hafu, is DK here?" Kimi asked at Janets signal. Steve wasn't going to be calming down for them without DK there and they knew it, maybe he could come help them. Hafu sighed audibly through the link and responded softly and with a sorry tone

"No. He left with his brother for a while," she explained as best she could. She didn't really understand his reason for leaving but he left so it didn't matter. It was to late fro them to get him to come back, he was too far out of range of the comm link.

"Not helpful. When will he be back?" Janet spoke this time as Kimi attempted to calm down the crying Steve to no avail.

"We don't know. Sorry Jan Jan," Hafu responded. It was true, they didn't know. DK had only said he would be gone for a while and left once the spell was cast.

"It's not your fault," Janet mumbled and glanced at the other two medics. There wasn't a lot more they could do if Steve didn't calm down.

"We need to do something. I need to finish his stitches," Tina said and Steve cried out loudly.

"DK!" He cried. All the girls winced, they had never seen him this panicked. Even when he was first saved

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