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DK walked to Steves room early the next morning. Apollo and Scott were on a mission, so Steve was most likely awake. He cracked the door open and saw Steve was actually still asleep.

Fair enough

He walked over and sat down, sitting on the bed and putting Steves head in his lap. He combed his fingers gently through the curly hair and Steve stirred awake. He saw DK and sat up, a glare on his face.

He stood up and walked away, leaving DK alone. DK frowned in the confusion swirling around in his head. Was Steve mad at him?

He stood up and followed Steve, grabbing his wrist and making him stop. Steve faced him, trying to jerk away from the stronger wizard

"Steve, I'm sorry. Are you mad at me?" DK asked, hurt in his voice. His partner had never ignored him like this. Sure they fought and then didn't talk for a while to cool off but that was normal. Steve never shoved him away. "Steve?"

"Fuck off DK," Steve finally hissed, venom mixed into his voice. DK dropped his friends wrist, shock flowing through him. Steve took off, darting away and leaving DK in the hallway.

He stared at where Steve had been only seconds ago. Tears filled his eyes, his best friend hated him. He turned back to his room.

Steve hid in security, DK wasn't a fan of the room so he wouldn't follow Steve in. Steve wasn't mad, he just didn't want to get yelled at more. It was fine if DK thought he hated him, as long as he didn't get yelled at more.

Throughout the day, DK would frequently come in and try and talk to Steve. But every time without fail Steve would ignore him and pretend like he didn't exist. It was mean, he knew he was hurting DK but he was tired of being yelled at.

Apollo came in and picked up Steve, literally carrying him back to the bedroom. Steve was confused until he was set on the bed and Apollo glared at him. He was in trouble

"Are you ignoring DK?" He asked, sounding almost annoyed. Steve shrugged, not caring enough to answer. Apollo started another fucking lecture. Steve remembered being in this exact position with Cib lecturing him

He inhaled sharply, Apollo had gone silent and was now staring at him expectantly. Apollo really expected him to apologize. DK blasted him! Why was he in trouble for it now? How was that fair?

"Apologize to DK, hes upset because you are ignoring him," Apollo snapped, and stalked from the room. Steves mind was racing though, it was too late. Cib was in his head, and over and over again he watched Mimi die.

He started to cry, he hadn't thought of them in so long and it was so hard. He needed someone to go to. He knew who to go to. But he needed to run away

and that's what he would do.

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