Chapter 43

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When the plane touched down she was surprised to feel it felt a little like home. The smells and sights of the city were a nice surprise. She met her first two security details at the airport. Two guys were waiting for her with a sign when she walked out of baggage claim. They were dressed like regular people, and not in a suit like Mr. Su's team was.

"Ms. Ami? I'm Mark, and this is Justin. Ready to go?" Mark said, flashing a smile.

"Just Ami, thanks. Yup, I have my stuff, let's go." She was excited to see her Aunt and Uncle and she had plans to meet up with some friends later in the week. As they were driving to their flat she fired off a text to Namjoon.

"Hey there, landed OK. Heading to my Aunt's, hope your day is good and I'll call you later tonight. Say hi to the guys. XO"

There was a quick reply, "Glad you made it OK, have fun. Love you. -n" She smiled at his text and looked out the window as they made their way through the city.

The week went fast, she spent most of the time with her Aunt and Uncle, going with them to visit friends of the family and shopping. It was the day before she was going to fly back and she was going to spend the last night with her girlfriends and fly out the next morning. She packed up her stuff, said a teary goodbye to her Aunt and Uncle, and headed out to her waiting car.

Her other set of the security detail was waiting for her in the car. She hadn't officially met them yet.

"Hello, I'm Brian and this is Jason. Nice to meet you." Brian said a bit less enthusiastic than Mark had earlier in the week.

"Hi, nice to meet you. Here is where I'm going tonight, then to the airport tomorrow morning." She handed him a piece of paper with her friend's address on it.

While they were on the way to her friend's flat, Jason got a call on his phone. He was speaking low, and she couldn't hear him, she could see Brian look in the mirror at her while he was talking. She just turned and looked out the window, just one more night, and then she can fly home, she thought to herself.

She met up with 2 of her girlfriends and they all headed out for dinner and drinks at the pub up the street from her friend's flat. Hana and Ara were good school friends of hers. They all connected quickly because they were the only Korean girls in their school growing up. It was so good to catch up with them, it filled her heart and made her happy. She had missed them most of all with the move.

When they entered the pub they got a table in the back, Ami automatically took the seat that faced the door. It was always something she did. She liked having a wall behind her back. The other two friends plopped down and they all ordered food. She looked up and saw Brian and Jason had taken a tall table in the front window by the door and a waitress was taking their order.

"Ami, get something to drink, we need to celebrate!" Hana waived the waitress down. Ami laughed, "I have to fly halfway around the world tomorrow, and I cannot do that with a hangover. But, I fully support you on your drinking journey tonight."  They all toasted each other and enjoyed the evening catching up and just enjoying each other's company.

As the evening went on Ami was sitting back listening to her friends talk, she didn't want the evening to end, but the thought of her flight was in her mind.  She was missing the boys.  On the walls of the pub, mirrors and pictures were decorating the wall. She could see the patrons in the bar in the reflections. She noticed a group of 3 guys come in the door, they paused and looked over to their right making eye contact with Brian and Jason. What surprised her was they acknowledged each other, then Jason nodded to the back of the pub.

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