Chapter 46

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This chapter has a Spotify playlist associated with it.

Cut and Paste the link into a new browser tab. You will be instructed when to play it.

These songs give you an idea of what Ami's sound is, just use your imagination. :) Enjoy!

Over the next few weeks, they saw her slowly start to come around to the old Ami they knew and loved. She never did ask about what happened to her friends. Mr. Su was able to track down the two security guards and had them fired. He could never connect them to the men in the bar, and that frustrated him. He didn't like loose ends.

Yoongi was working on his computer one evening when Ami joined him. "Hey there." he smiled at her. "What are you working on?" she asked him. "Just some new ideas." He took his headphones off and gave her his attention.

"I have a question, would you want to work with me on my second album? If you are too busy, I understand," she added quickly. He took her hand, "Ami, I would love to work with you again." He looked at her and gave a calm and grounding smile. Ever since she came back from England, she second-guessed herself a lot, and he wanted her to get back to the confident place she was before. "Will this album be different from your last one?"

"It's a little, angrier," she said with a smile.

"My favorite kind," Yoongi said with a smirk. "Want to go to the studio tomorrow?"

"Perfect. Thank you." and she hugged him and went back to her apartment.

Ami threw herself into her music over the next couple of months. It's exactly what she needed to take her mind off things and move forward. If she wasn't with Yoongi in the studio, she was there by herself. He had given her full reign when he couldn't be there. She was learning quickly, and anything she couldn't figure out she would make a list so she could ask him later. Jaks also would pop in and help when he could. This time around the guys would pop in to check on her, and she would ask their opinion about different things she was working on. She wasn't shy anymore about her singing and truly wanted their opinion.

Namjoon stopped by to pick her up from the studio one evening. They had been rehearsing for an upcoming tour and it was getting late. He knocked and opened the door, "Hey, ready to go home?" he asked as he came in. She turned to look at him, and he noticed she had a blissful smile on her face. "What's up?" He smiled at her as he leaned over to kiss her.

"I'm finished." She said as she looked relaxed and exhausted at the same time.

"Really?! I can't wait to hear it." He said as he pulled her up out of the chair pulling her into a kiss. He was going to just give her a quick kiss but realized she was still pulling him in. She kissed him, really kissed him for the first time since she came back from England. He missed her this way but had been so careful to not rush her, especially when it came to wanting to kiss and touch her. "I missed you," he murmured through her lips.

She wrapped her arms around his waist, "I never thanked you." she was looking up at him with her beautiful eyes. "For what?" he smiled at her. "For everything. For being there for me, for taking care of me. All of you don't know how much everything you did for me helped."

He leaned down again, kissing her softly but with so much love it made her body tingle. "Let's go home," she said as she exhaled. She reached behind her and grabbed her bag and jacket, and they headed out.


She didn't wait long to drop her second album after she finished it, and her fans went crazy with the sound of her new music. With the tone of the new album, her confidence came back to match it. Yoongi and Jaks kept their names off the album this time. They wanted all the attention to be focused on her, not that she had worked with them a second time. The speculation increased about who she was and producers started reaching out to her team to want to work with her.

Imposters started popping up, trying to steal her clout, saying they were her when they were out at bars and clubs. She just laughed and responded through her social media. "Let me know when you put your work out and I'm happy to support and follow you, thanks for supporting me and giving me the social life I don't have!" She never put them down and kept her interactions with her fans light-hearted.

One day she got a call from her team telling her she had been contacted by some large record companies wanting to discuss signing her.

"I have a few companies asking to sign with them." She said casually one afternoon, while she was making dinner for the guys at their place.

"Really? That's kind of a big deal." Yoongi asked her.

"Are you going to meet with them?" Jungkook asked, they were all interested in where she was going to go with her music.

"I don't know. I mean, I know those companies' ultimate job is to crank out 'idols' to increase their bottom line. I don't know if we would be a good fit, ultimately. I mean, I'm all for taking direction and learning, but you know how much I LOVE to be told what to do, at least when I don't want to be told what to do." She smiled at them and saw Yoongi smirk.

"So, I mean, I can keep doing what I'm doing now, but then I have to wonder where I go from here. I don't know, I haven't figured it out yet."

"You've done a good job keeping your identity quiet, are you going to try and keep doing that?" Jimin asked.

"It's been nice, I have to admit. I feel better that you guys aren't getting blasted either with questions or online crap as well. Hopefully, it can stay that way." She put the food down in front of them, and they all dug in.

Jin spoke up after a while, "You know if you want to take your music forward and that means exposing our friendship, then that's what needs to happen. I don't think any of us want you to be held back just for convenience." She looked over at Jin, she knew he was right, but she didn't know if she wanted to do that, yet. If they were going to go more public, then she at least hoped it could be on her terms.

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