Chapter 67

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The next morning everyone had gotten up early, while Ami slept in. Yoongi pulled them all into his room to talk. Namjoon sat in the corner while Yoongi explained everything they talked about the night before Ami woke up sick.

"I can't believe it." Tae had his head in his hands. "How long has she felt this way?"

"For a while," Namjoon said quietly.

Everyone was feeling a cross between elated to learn their feelings were being reciprocated and heartbroken. It was more important for her to keep them as her family than to share her feelings with the possibility of pushing them away.

"So, it is up to each of you. I think you all need to take time and have a heart-to-heart with her and she with you. Whatever you want she will respect. If you don't want anything to change for you and her, then she is happy to keep things the same." Namjoon told them. "We are all adults, and I think we can handle whatever this situation is, we just need to be honest with each other and her."

"And you? How do you feel about all this? You are equally important in this situation." Jungkook spoke up and asked the question everyone was thinking.

He looked around the room at all of them, "We are all already in a relationship. All of us. We have been for a while, we just haven't put a name to it. It's a really deeply involved friendship, and she became a part of it. One main difference is she and I sleep together at night and I'm the only one she has slept with, and Yoongi explained the reason why she hasn't 'asked' already with any of you. It's not because she doesn't want to, but it means more for her than anything else we have all done together. It's personal for her, and she fiercely protects that part of her for all of us."

They all sat back, thinking about everything they had learned. Jimin got up without saying anything and walked out of the room.

He walked down the hall and slowly cracked the door open to see if she was still sleeping. Quietly he walked in and crawled into bed behind her, wrapping his arms around her. Ami stirred a little and woke up to someone holding her. "Hi Jimin," she said quietly.

"How did you know it was me?" he said softly.

"It smells like you," she replied with a stretch. "Are you OK?" Ami slowly rolled over and looked at him. "What's wrong?" He was looking at her with tears in his eyes. She reached up and wiped the tears away that were slowly falling. "Baby, what's wrong?" she said softly.

"I'm so sorry, I teased you the other day when you were resting with Jin. I didn't know... that must have felt so cruel." Ami just watched him as she wiped his tears, she needed him to say it before she would admit to him how she felt. "It's OK, I'm OK. I know you were just messing with me." she gave him a little wink, but he saw a flash of sadness there too.

Jimin just looked into her eyes as he held her. She was so unselfish when it came to giving herself to others. She did it for everyone. He had seen everyone seek her out when they needed comfort, and she always gave it without a second thought.

"Ami, I love you. I have loved you for a long time. I just never pushed anything with you because of your relationship with Joon. I'm heartbroken that you have felt the same, and you didn't feel like you could say anything." He watched her tear up as he spoke and now it was his turn to wipe away her tears, "You have worked so hard to keep all of our lives private, you are so unselfish with your love for us. Please. Please." He whispered. "Please love me as I love you."

Ami let out a sob, she was overwhelmed and wrapped herself around him. It's what she had been needing to hear. He just held her and played with her hair as she cried.

"Baby?" she heard Joon say "Are you OK?" The guys heard her from down the hall and came down to see what was wrong. Namjoon sat down on the bed as she sat up and looked at him. He had a concerned look on his face and was glancing between her and Jimin, trying to figure out what happened.

"I'm OK." She smiled at him, wiping her tears. Namjoon just smiled at her and kissed her on her head. "I'm going to be in the kitchen making you some food, call me if you need me." "I'll be out soon, love you," she said with a kiss. He got up and made his way out to the kitchen, everyone followed him except Jungkook and Jimin stayed in bed with her.

Jungkook sat down where Namjoon had been and took her hands. "I don't like to see you cry," he said softly. "Do I need to kick Jimin's ass? I will add him to my list of people I'm going to beat the shit out of," he said with a small smirk. Jimin smiled, he knew about his list. She just let out a laugh as she tried to get herself under control. "No... no you don't. You have a list?" she asked with a smile as she laid back down. Jimin reached around and held her again while she talked to Jungkook.

"Oh yes, for you, I have a list of people if I ever see, I will not hesitate to put my fist into their face." He ran his hand through her hair. "Are you feeling better today?"

"I am." She said quietly.

"I want to talk to you more, but I'll give you back to Jimin. Come eat when you are done talking, you aren't 100% better yet. Sorry to butt in." He pecked her on the cheek and went out to join the rest of them.

Ami rolled over back to face Jimin. He watched her calmly as she settled back down. "You haven't answered me yet."

"I love you and have for a while. I wanted to tell you, all of you, but the fear of losing what we have was too much." Ami was starting to bite her lip when he pushed his into hers, kissing her with more passion than he had ever done before. Ami wrapped her arms around him as she felt a shiver go through her.

"Are you cold?" He asked through his kiss, pulling the blanket up around her.

Ami pulled away slowly, "No. You just do things to me." She smiled at him.

He flashed his smile at her, "well, when you have recovered, and if you want to, come find me. I've had to take a lot of cold showers because of you."

"I have had to have a few myself." She whispered to him. He just smiled back at her.

"Are you hungry?." He said as he climbed out of bed.

"I am." He helped her out of bed and wrapped a blanket around her. "Come on, let's go eat." He took her face, giving her one more kiss before they left the room. Taking her hand he walked her out to the kitchen where the guys were waiting and had prepared food for her.

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