Chapter 56

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The award show season was starting and BTS were scheduled to attend and perform at several shows. While these shows weren't as large of productions as when they did concerts, they would put in the same amount of hard work to make sure they did their best for their fans.

Ami had released her third album to rave reviews and her popularity was rising. There was talk online if she would perform at one of the awards shows coming up, but nothing was confirmed.

"I heard you are performing this weekend," Tae said with a wink as she walked into the apartment.

"Oh yes." She said, rolling her eyes. "Headlining you know." She just laughed.

"Would you ever want to do a show?" Jimin asked as he joined the group.

"An award show? No." Ami said decisively as she sat down with them.

"No? Why not? I mean, besides the obvious. What about if you were up for an award? Would you perform then?" Namjoon chimed in.

"OK. If I was up for an award, which I never will be, I would entertain the idea. But just to perform?" It didn't sound appealing to her. I guess artists usually want to do shows and things that will get their name out there to gain more fans, but she wasn't doing it for that. She just loved creating music and was glad people liked it.

"Never say never," Tae said under his breath, Namjoon whacked him and Yoongi threw a pillow at him to shut him up.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Ami said, looking around the room with wide eyes.

Everyone looked around, but no one stepped up to say anything.

"Seriously. No one is going to say anything?" Ami was now looking over at Namjoon.

He let out a big sigh, "There is some talk, that you may be nominated for something." He looked over at her with a look, not knowing what to expect to do with that information.

Ami just sat there, blinking, trying to compute what he was saying. "Why?" She finally asked.

Yoongi just looked at her, shaking his head, "Because, you are REALLY good, and even though you are just doing this for you, it's connecting with a LOT of people. Your passion comes through in your words and songs. I think the fact you aren't going the traditional route speaks to people. It's just raw and comes across as true."

Ami just sat there, thinking about what he said. They have all told her how good she was, that they loved her voice, but she never really believed them. Not really. She was just doing it for her, she wasn't a professional, so why would she think she could be a part of that more professional world?

"Oh," she said quietly. "I guess I never really believed you."

Yoongi stood up, walked over to her, and knelt in front of her, taking her hands in his and looking directly at her. "Why?"

She took a deep breath and looked at him. "I guess because I don't consider myself a professional, I don't expect anything."

He looked down at her hands and rubbed them with his. "Whether you consider yourself a professional or not doesn't matter, it's the quality of what you do."

"Oh." She said as she started to bite her lip.

Yoongi reached up with his thumb, and ran it over her lip, keeping her from biting it.

"Don't overthink it. You are the queen of overthinking. One reason your music is as good as it is is that you don't overthink it when you make it. It's just you. It comes from deep inside. You can't manufacture that." He reached over and gave her a sweet kiss on the cheek and whispered in her ear. "Don't overthink it."

She closed her eyes, took a slow deep breath, and said quietly. "OK."

Ami sat there on the couch with her eyes closed. She had promised Yoongi she would trust him when it came to music during the first album they worked on together. If he pushed her in a direction, she stopped fighting what she thought was right and listened. He was almost already right and it helped her open up more than she ever thought possible.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked softly.

"I'm not." She replied.

He smiled at her. "Let's just see what happens, and if you do get nominated you can choose from there."

"OK.." She smiled softly and opened her eyes. She was calm, he could see it in her demeanor. She got up and went to the kitchen for something to drink.

"You're like the Ami-whisper," Jimin said, shocked by what he just witnessed.

"She promised him, in the beginning, to trust what he tells her in regards to music. She still does." Namjoon said softly, smiling at his friend, knowing he did more for her in 5 minutes than the rest could have done the rest of the night. He got up and went to join her in the kitchen.

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