Training the Little Warrior!

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Heyyo! Author Kuzuu Here!

Please enjoy this even if there are alot of time skips!

Warning!  ⚠️ 

Kids swearing :D


Cosmos's POV

 About the whole diary thing yesterday, I wonder what's inside... Momma did say it was her future plans but what kind of plans needs a thick ass book to be written in. Talking with them seems nice but I still need to get a hang with their magic seemingly because it's not mine. I got up early and wanted to leave in secret to train my self but the moment I got out I saw Killer. "What are you doing up so early?" I mumbled only to hope Killer would hear it. "Honey, Princess, you got to understand... I don't sleep." "What the fuck- WHO THE FUCK DOSEN'T SLEEP- I- ARE YOU GUYS ALWAYS LIKE THAT- WHA- " Killer smacked his hand onto my mouth preventing me from talking.

No One's POV

He might get in trouble for being accused of teaching her those kind of big words.

"SHUSH! UP-PAP-PAP-PAP-PAP- ZIP- ZIP IT-" Killer point directly at her face to make she listened, to get away with trouble and forget about it he simply brought up another topic, starting with the words. "Soooo... you name is simple and... ugly!" Pointing 2 fingers to represent the 2 factors he mentioned just now.

"Ehem- ehem- excuse me what." Lust them showed up in the hallway putting his hand onto his hip to give that sassy look, wearing long sleeved Pajamas was a good fit for Lust here. "I don't see the point in saying that, ESPECIALLY when you wanted to name your child 'a little piece of shit'. Don't you ever think I'm EVER gonna forget that." Lust sits down on a comfy arm-chair that was placed next to the couch they were sitting on, and asked why both of them are up early. "I... wanted to go train myself... in order for me to stay fit and help during a fight!" Killer stood up and smiled, 'creepy...' the girl thought to herself, and Killer told the girl that he could help master his own magic which she partially has. 

[If you don't remember why. It's because parts of their souls have been stolen- i mean 'Stolen' to make Cosmos's one] 

1st Mission: TARGET PRACTICE w/ Killer!

"Alright! First question. Do you know how summon a knife..." The little royal nods and shows Killer to let him know she doesn't need help with that too. Smiling with agreement they started to practice with a carved target on a tree. 

"Okay okay... aim. Look in between your fingers, focus on the target then..." Killer moved parts of Cosmos's hand to direct her on what to do. With a few more attempts she made it through her first training every!

2nd Mission: Elemental Practice w/ C!

It was more of a study thing and not a hands on type of things which made it very boring to the Child a lot. Well, C made a promise that if she finished learning she could try some spells for the rest of the weeks ahead.

[Chart for readers if you don't understand what going on]

Water > Fire | Fire > Earth | Earth > Electric | Air/Electric = Neutral | Hidden Elements = Atmospheric

3rd Mission: Archery w/ Dream!

After shooting what seemed to be a million failed shots, Dream decided to tell her a secret. "Okay! So, because of gravity the arrow will go down so put it higher. Where is the wind? It's pushing right so, challenge the wind and push it left." Guiding the stance and posture was a hard thing to focus on, imagine being in battle right now. Releasing the bow and the arrow shot directly at the target's bullseye, trying a few more attempts wouldn't hurt.


"Oh my god. One day and I'm fuc-" "Shut... your... trap..." Killer slapped his hand against Cosmos's mouth to stop her from completing the sentence. Killer stared deeply and menacingly (the people who watch JoJo, I am proud to announce I am one of you) to make sure she understands then pain and frustration he will get if she swears again. "What did you say? I didn't hear you..." Lust's voice trailed of into the kitchen when asking her little sister about the training. "I... I said I one day I'm going to be Queen...? A-and fight...?" She slowly turned to Killer with a 'did I say it right' face, Killer rolled his eyes then Crescent ran toward Killer and Cosmos, "FRIEND!" Crescent was only 1 year's old but very smart, he learnt to walk at only 5 months old. Killer walked away disappointed with the child, and went to his room, little did he know Crescent was following him.

"Get out-" Crescent hugged Killer just as he was about to scold him, and then running away as he saw his own father behind his 'mom' [at this point I shall call the bottoms 'mom']. Killer shrugged and as he turned around he got shocked to find Nightmare standing in front of him.

"Don't do that." Killer walked away as if nothing had happened and continued to do some cleaning around the house for entertainment. "OH! So NOW you wanna turn your back against someone that clearly gave you power." Killer rolled his eye's and ignored him as he walked out of the room in order to stop listening to Nightmare's crap again.


"Well that should do it!" Ink let out a small sigh as he just just finished fixing an AU Error destroyed 2 weeks ago out of anger. Ink teleported back to the small hut and sat beside Cos, with Lust drinking his Latte ✨ [I just drank 3 cans today so why not put it in the story] on the opposite side of the table. "UghHgHhh... Someone please~ Strangle MEEeeEeE..." Lust slammed his head on the table after he got texts from know... 'Clients'. He hated how his own AU still has lustful monsters even after those pills were made, they seemed okay but not everyone wanted to use it, some people still believe that that's the only they can ever be happy.

"Well... I'm guessing it's about your AU again..." Dream sighed back as he understands the pain to be in Lust's position, Cross looked at Dream and agreed with a few nods to let Dream know he was listening to everything. "I'm guessing that too." Horror jumped out of nowhere and sat beside Lust to keep him comfort as he was thinking about dying, Cos stared deeply into the table like it was alive as she listened to all their conversations. I mean, it is her second day with them...

Sooo... what could go wrong or happen tomorrow for our little young warrior...


Author Kuzuu is happy and wants to give you hugs :D

Author Kuzuu loves you all ;D


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