Uninvited Visitor

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Author's note: Gonna be cringe trust me.

And uhhhh FYI subscribe to me on YouTube cuz why not- §Liwa Animates§ 

-Kuzuu Out!


..."INK! WHAT THE FU-". "DON'T YELL AT ME! GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF! And uhhh there is something top that's GONNACRASHINTOUSSOIHAVETODOTHIS-". Ink replied in a hurry with a panicked face. Nightmare didn't like it so he decided to start a verbal war. (technically)

(At this point I have no idea what I am doing-)









With one big impact, it seems the cover wasn't enough to stop the blow...







"How... Many...Times... Have you guys been fighting? I've watched from afar really. And it's definitely a lot of times. But, now I need your help... can we make a deal?" A tall fairly dress woman with a thin bladed katana, dirt scattered around like powder, she seemed pretty powerful to make a blow like that. She talked to us with the sunlight behind her making it hard to see her face, more than that she's wearing a mask that looks like bird.

(Here's the photo for you curious birds- rough sketch-)

(Here's the photo for you curious birds- rough sketch-)

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"Oh! How rude of me! I am Guila, Queen of the Shimmers. You know there are other AU's that are... hidden? Right?" The royal one spoke calmly. "Sooooo what do YOU want from US? We barely have anything!" Ink spat rudely as that blow almost killed everyone, in which, it almost did. "That will be for later but first! I can give YOU what you need for yourself Ink...a SOUL..." her enthusiastic voice died down to the last sentence. (Oh my gee the intense-)

They teleported to a crystal room with blue light shimmering. It looked like Outertale but more empty. "Here..." she held up an empty soul which looked like glass, almost invisible. Guila handed out her hand and pointed to Ink's vials. "Trust me..." Ink was hesitant, he wanted to stop drinking his vial everytime he has no feelings but at the same time she wasn't trustable, finding paint is as hard as trying to find a Lonsdaleite*!

[*Lonsdaleite is a type of diamond put when made it is with more pressure and heat compared to a diamond. Lonsdaleite are stronger and harder than Diamonds. Diamonds are counted to hardest rock ON EARTH  Lonsdaleite are from asteroid crashing down from earth and the gravity is putting pressure and the heat is extreme making Lonsdaleite!]

"Fine! But try anything funny, your a goner!". The royal nodded in acceptance and kept her words, even if they all knew they couldn't beat her.


"Woah- I feel- what- " As confused on what happened Ink like the soul he and asked Guila what they could offer in the trade of deal.

"Well, more detail will come soon but for now, can all of you stay together? Picks fights, your dead. Kill, your dead. Just stay together with no battles. My Daughter will be here a few year later to give you further guidance on what to do, but keep this in mind. Here, these are the people that should be here, you are the leader now, as I trust you with utmost respect as a protector, a creator, and a leader... now I must take my leave."

As she left, she teleported all of us back to the same AU but this time. It wasn't as empty as before. Now, the AU was filled with forest and animals, a little hut was on a mountain or hill, can you even call it a mountain?


Woahhhh what a story! I really hope you enjoy! Just a thing I need to share, I can only write my stories weekly or monthly or daily, just depending on my schedule! So please be patient!

-Author Kuzuu Out!


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