Chapter Twenty

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Anya POV:

The sound of waves hitting the shore is peaceful as I sit beside Aria's baby tent. She's still fast asleep in there and seems content. Maxim and I are sitting under an umbrella, cuddled into each other's sides.

It's hot out here, but not too hot. We've taken turns hopping in and out of the ocean to cool off when needed. I've also been spraying Aria with a misting spray bottle full of filtered water to keep her cool.

She's only in a diaper, but she should be okay. I've been keeping a close eye on her to make sure she doesn't overheat.

"Our peanut is waking up." Maxim whispers, using the hand that's not wrapped around my waist to point to the tent.

I lean over and look through the mesh top to see Aria wiggling around on her back. She still hasn't mastered rolling over yet, but I'm hopeful it will happen soon.

"Hey, pretty girl." I coo at my baby as her blue eyes open.

She yawns and lifts her fist to her mouth, suckling on the knuckles. I laugh and unzip the small tent. Aria grunts when I pick her up, but quickly settles when I bring her close to my bikini clad breasts.

"Are you staring at Daddy?" I whisper as I watch Aria slowly blink at Maxim.

She's being so sweet right now. Usually Aria doesn't like being held by me, but she's all snuggled up to my skin right now. The sound of the ocean seems to calm her. It probably sounds like when she was in the womb. We'll have to bring her here more often.

"Seems like we have a little mermaid on our hands. Aria loves the beach. Look how calm she is." Maxim comments, gesturing to Aria who's cooing quietly.

I'm going to need to nurse her soon, but I leave it be for now. She's not showing any hunger signs, just suckling on her fingers. Aria loves to suckle, so I don't think that's hunger.

We sit and chill a little bit longer until Aria wants to nurse. She's rooting around with her mouth wide open, searching for my nipple. I lift up one side of my bikini top and rub my nipple across Aria's lips.

She latches on and suckles, her whole body relaxing. It's amazing to see how tiny she is compared to me. My whole breast is bigger than her tiny head, something that Maxim thinks is hilarious.

Even though Aria has put on some much needed weight, she's still a tiny little thing. She fits perfectly in my arms, though. That's what matters.

Maxim reaches over and strokes his fingers over Aria's tiny head, careful to avoid her soft spot. She blinks her eyes and yawns, letting go of my nipple. I help her latch back on and pat her tiny bum.

We're so distracted by our baby, that we don't notice the paparazzi taking photos of us from different spots on the beach. It's only when Maxim looks up to look at the surfers that he finally notices them.

He takes his discarded shirt and throws it over my chest, startling Aria. She lets out an ear piercing wail and wiggles around, trying to get my breast back in her mouth.

I lift the top of the shirt up, helping her get latched back on, then stand up to help gather out stuff. Maxim closes the umbrella and grabs the stuff. Together, we trek back to the car.

When I try to unlatch Aria to get her in the carseat, she wails and doesn't stop until I put my breast back in her mouth.

"What are you doing?" Maxim asks when I get into the passenger seat with Aria in my arms.

"She didn't want to stop nursing. She's hungry, Maxim. I'll finish nursing her in the car and then we can go home."

He grunts unhappily, but doesn't say anything else. I remove the shirt that's covering my breast off of Aria's head, tossing it at Maxim. He puts the soft material over his head, then coos over our baby.

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