it started with a confession (but not the type you'd think)

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Heyyyy, it's been a while since I updated a oneshot, so here's one, inspired by an actual post on my school's confession page!

I wrote this one over the span of like, three months since i kept on forgetting about it, but it's finally been finished! yay!

please enjoy! <33

(also wtf this is almost 5000 words long! its the longest oneshot i've ever written...)


With one click of the mouse, Ellen's post is submitted and out there for the whole school to see.

"I'm a senior that would appreciate a relationship, but one where both of us agree to peacefully break it off before college. I want to be able to experience a solid high school relationship experience before I go off. One that's passionate, filled with happiness, supportiveness, and friendly banter. Someone I could learn from and communicate all my opinions with. It might be too late for me to find an interesting guy, get to know him well, and THEN have sparks fly with him, but what can I say...I'm a hopeless romantic. I'm waiting for the right one but I don't have any crushes at the moment. I'm curious though, does anyone else want something similar to what I want?? Am I asking for too much or nah???"

Her high school has a page on their student portal where students can submit random questions, confessions, or ask for tips of advice anonymously. This thought has been nagging at the back of Ellen's head for as long as she can remember and finally, she has the guts to write it down on the page and submit it.

Within seconds, responses are flooding in.

"fr that seems kind of too late for you now lol"

"you don't have to be in a relationship in high school. not all of them turn out well and i can affirm to that"

"idk maybe you have a guy friend or smthn instead?"

Ellen unleashes a muffled scream of frustration. These are not the answers she's looking for and really aren't doing her any good. She should've known it would've turned out like this.

Her cursor hovers over the "x" on the tab, ready to close the page, when suddenly, another response chimes in.

"OP, you read my mind. You are not the only one who wants something like that. Yours Truly has the exact same thoughts and opinions. I think that it is pretty normal for high school students, if I'm being honest. A lot of us just aren't willing to admit it."

Her eyes immediately notice the impeccable grammar, the perfect capitalization, the lack of gen-z texting vibes like the rest of the responses.

She screenshots her question and the response, uploading the picture onto her phone as the gears in her brain begin to spin, conjuring up a plan to mention this in one of their conversations tomorrow.


"Liam. We need to talk."

It had taken her a lot of courage to march up to one of the most devilish, yet cutest people in her grade. Seeing as to the fact that Liam is more on the popular spectrum while she is more on the normal kid spectrum, she considers it a feat that she manages not to flinch or shudder as several pairs of eyes bore into her.

"Ellenara? Is this about the lab? I swore I did everything you told me to. If you really want to know why we got deducted three points, we can go and ask Srivastava why. Like, right now."

"This isn't about the lab, which by the way, you did forget something. But that's not my point. Can I talk to you?" She eyes his friends, clearly eavesdropping on their conversation. "In private, maybe?"

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