Part 3

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Look at me guys! I updated! Aren't you so happy?


As I walk to Josh's car, I think about what just happened. Did I really just invite Green Day, my favourite band, to my apartment? Oh God oh my God, what am I going to do? What if they think I'm annoying or something? Or obsessed? Which is true but... 

I've heard that they usually find people after the gigs who are willing to let them sleep in their living rooms. I can't believe I'm that person. I guess, I'll have Green Day staying with me for a few days then. I start to feel more comfortable as I realize that I can't be that bad, if Billie Joe took the time to talk with me, and even agree to come over.

I guess I have to tell them that Green Day's coming over. God, I never thought I'd be saying that. Or should I tell Tori and Josh to go home? They don't really care for Green Day. Maybe that'd help though, to add some sanity to topics my mind may venture out on.

I get into the backseat of the car, Josh's waiting in the the driver's seat and Tori is sitting in the passenger's seat, looking quite tired. 

"What took you so long? Weren't you just picking up a CD?" Josh asks, confused.

"Yeah, picking up a CD... and some guys." I say in a cheeky tone.

"Picking up guys? Adrienne, I never knew you were such a player." Josh says with a laugh.

"Well, you know it now, and by picking up guys, I meant that well..." I gather my thoughts, "I kind of met Billie Joe, the singer, and kind of invited the band to my apartment so..."

"Yeah, right." Josh says skeptically.

"No it's true, come on, let's just go to my house, they said they'd be there soon." I plead.

"Well alright, you better not be shitting me, Adrienne." Josh says, and starts driving towards my apartment. 

I have some time to think on the way back. My mind's quite scattered right now though. All I wanted was to maybe say hi to the guys, not invite them over. I'm going to be so awkward around them. I let my mind wander, what if this goes well, and I become well acquainted with the band? It probably wouldn't be the best idea to confess my love to Billie right away, but I honestly wanted to so bad. Just so he could know how much he means to me.

Josh pulls up to one of the guest parking spots in the lot, and snaps me out of my thoughts. "We're here. And Green Day better show up, because I want to go to bed." He says with a yawn. 

"They will, trust me." I say, and I really hope they do show up, hopefully they don't meet some other girl and decide to go to her house or something. 

We go up to my house and take a seat on the couch, kind of waiting awkwardly. I kind of have a feeling Josh doesn't believe me, but why would I lie about something like this? Even if they don't show up, that was still the best experience of my life. Talking to Billie Joe, getting a free CD from him... THE CD! I search in my bag and pull it out, then proceed to go to my room and place it among the hoard of other Green Day merchandise that I own. 

If they see this, they may think I'm a bit crazy, but hey, they agreed to come over to a fan's home. I continue back to the living room and sit on the couch. Josh and Tori look pretty bored, but I need them to be here.

"Look, Adrienne, do you really think world renowned rockstars are going to stay the night at your House? Just give it up." Tori says tiredly.

Before I can say anything, right on cue, the doorbell rings. I get up giving Tori a smug look. I look through the peep-hole and see that Billie Joe, Mike and Tre are in fact standing outside of my door. I open the door with a huge grin.

"I'm so happy you guys could come!" I say excitedly, opening the door and motioning for them to come in. 

"They didn't believe you were actually coming!" I exclaim, looking over a Tori and Josh. They look absolutely stunned. Don't doubt Adrienne...

"Hey, we couldn't pass up a warm floor to sleep on!" Mike jokes.

"Aw c'mon what kind of host would I be if I let you sleep on the floor? There's two couches here and a guest room!" I say with a smile. "Come, sit, do you want something to drink? I have plenty of beer..."

"I'M CALLING THE GUEST BED BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!" Tre screams, running to the hallway and surprisingly finding the correct room.

"I'll take a beer." Billie says with a smile.

He sits down on the empty three person couch, along with Mike, who also asks for one. Tori and Josh start to talk to them, Josh complimenting them on their performance. I still can't believe my favourite band is in my fucking living room. Just don't do anything stupid. 

I walk to the fridge and grab a beer for everyone, then sit down on the couch beside Billie. Never thought I'd say that. God he's even more attractive in person.

"Here, Minnesota beer, I hope that's okay with you California people." I joke.

"That's fine." Mike says opening his beer. 

"We like to experience culture." Billie Joe laughs. 

After a few more, or 7 beers, Tori and Josh have gone home, and Mike's passed out on the couch, it's just Billie and I. Drunk as fuck. My head was spinning and I'm assuming his was too.

"You're prettyyyyyyyyy." He slurred.

I giggle and fall onto him, sitting on the couch. "Really? Meeee? Nah, I'm not pretty."

"Nah you're prettyyy." He says drunkenly.

Normally I would have reacted by getting all shy and awkward, but I guess alcohol brings a different side of me out. "Welllll, I think you'reee kind of prettyyy tooooo." I laugh and close my eyes. 

I feel something touch my lips, and register it as Billie's lips. Oh my god oh god is this really happening oh my god. I kiss back, and sit up a bit, holding him in my arms, we're drunk, you can't regret anything when you're drunk, right? We kiss for awhile, and I'm glad Mike's passed out.

"You know, I should really be in beeeeeeddddddd." I say tired and drunk.

"I'll come with you let's go to bed I'm tired too." Billie says, equally as drunk. 

We go to my bedroom, and I pass out as soon as I hit the bed. Billie lays beside me, in an embrace , falling asleep immediately. Is this a dream? Just a drunk dream? Oh well, it'd definitely be a good dream. 

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