Part 1

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I wanted to get to the show early, for good seats and if I'm lucky enough, meet the band. "Well, it starts at 8, so around 4:30."

"Oh my gosh, Adrienne, you're obsessed with these guys." My friend Josh says on the other line, "Well, I'll pick you up around 4 so we can get there in time and I'll have Tori with me."

I'm so excited for tonight. Three months ago I waited in line for hours for these tickets, and finally I'm going to the show. I put my Kerplunk vinyl in my record player and listen to it for hours, waiting for Josh to finally pick me up.

Once they finally get here I nearly dive into the car and sit down as fast as I can.


"Jeez, Adrienne, calm down. You're obsessed with these guys." Josh says.

"Damn right I am!" I yell back.

I try to stay silent for the rest of the car ride. However, this isn't too easy, because every time Tori or Josh mentions something even moderately related to Green Day I start hyper-ventilating. At one point Josh though he may have to pull over for my to puke due to my instability at the moment. After awhile I just keep my thoughts to myself. I realize that I should try to pick up their Cd's while they're here selling merch and stuff, as all I can get is hug vinyls. I'll have to try and find the merch stand after the concert.

"Well, we're here!" Josh says, finding a parking spot, then stopping the car. 

"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" I scream, jumping out of the backseat of the car.

"Adrienne, it's time to calm down a bit, we'll get in line, and then you can freak out when we get in." Tori tries to calm me. 

"You don't even understand." I say, and she doesn't. They're just coming with me for the sake of not leaving me totally alone. 

We get to the venue, and we were some of the few people there. We showed our tickets at the front gate, and made our way to the floor seats I worked so hard to get. I stood right at center stage, so I could see everything. Josh was to my right, Tori to my left. We chatted for the next two hours with other fans coming in, and sometime in between, the band came on when only about 50 people were there. They weren't performing yet, just checking out the crowd. 

I looked up to see the lead singer, Billie Joe, right in front of me. I start to get excited, HE'S NOT EVEN 5 FEET AWAY FROM ME! My heart starts racing and before I can do anything stupid, I just look up and smile at him, and he smiles back, then goes offstage. 

"Tori!" I yell, she's talking to Josh. "Did you see that? He smiled at me, right back at me oh my gosh!" 

"Yeah, okay Adrienne." She says, "I'm sure he was just smiling at the entire crowd."

I know he smiled at me. Or at least I hope so, I hope he saw me. Green Day has had such an impact on my life, all I need is to know or at least think, that they know I exist, even if it's just for a second. 

After about half an hour, they come onstage. The crowd was full of people, all excited to see Green Day. I kept my place in the front of everything, screaming and singing along to every single song they played. Billie Joe caught my eye a few times and smiled. I knew he was looking at me those times, and I felt all tingly and warm inside. There was just something about him that made girls, me especially, swoon.

The show ended and I was full of adrenaline. This was the best night of my life by far. I never wanted it to end, they were absolutely amazing. I had to go to more shows. And not to mention, Billie smiled at me at least  once.

I turn to Tori and Josh "Hey, I'm just going to go look for a CD alright?" 

"Yeah sure," Josh says, "Tori and I are just going to go wait out in the car then."

"Alright, see you." I say and walk away.

I'm having trouble finding my way around the place. When I first walked in, I saw the merch table, now I couldn't find it anywhere. Because I really wanted that CD, I walked up to a random person to ask where the CDs were. 

"Hey, do you know know where I can get a CD?" I ask.

The person turns around, a bit startled and answers.

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