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"Boss, mind if I ask something?"

Chuuya inquired, sounding unsure of what he was about to ask. Mori stood in front of him, near the wall windows of his office, his hands behind his back, his gaze fixed on the view outside. Mori hummed as he looked over his shoulder, waiting for Chuuya's words. "Why did you include [first name] in the operation to capture the Weretiger? Akutagawa's leading that operation, right?" he puzzledly asked his boss. "I thought she and I are going on a mission in the west?"

Mori smiled and returned his gaze to the window. "You are.."

Chuuya scratched the back of his head, "We leave in like...an hour?" he asked awkwardly, earning a chuckle from Mori. "Oh, don't worry, I'm certain that she won't take long," Mori reassured him as he turned away from the window and walked to his desk. "And to answer your first question, Chuuya, I told her to come with Akutagawa in capturing the Weretiger just in case...things didn't go as planned." Chuuya remained silent for a moment, slowly realizing what his boss meant. "You mean if an asshole named Dazai came and ruined the plan?" he asked, frowning as he remembered a certain person. Mori sat on his throne-like chair, "Precisely," he said, his smile gradually turning into a smirk.

"Long time no see, my love.."

[first name] let out a soft chuckle as she cocked her head to the side, still holding her dagger to Dazai's neck. "Ew~" she said, earning a soft laugh from Dazai.

Akutagawa rolled his eyes at the scene, mentally cringing a little at the sight, "This feels a little nostalgic.." he said under his breath—recalling some events that he witnessed back when he was being mentored by the two people in front of him, causing him to cringe more, "And it sickens me.." he grumbled.

"[first name], [first name], [first name]...still beautiful as a heavenly angel, I see.." said Dazai in all truthfulness, then his eyes traveled down her body, causing him to let out a suggestive smirk, "and still sexy as hell.."

A soft chuckle escaped [first name]'s lips, "I love it when you try to flatter me .." she said as she bend over a little to meet his level. Then she slowly went to his ear and whispered, "It always makes me want to strangle you.."

Dazai chuckled softly at her words, liking the way how she whispered to his ear. He remained still as he glanced at the weapon on his neck. "Oh, how I miss hearing you say things like that.."

Higuchi's eyes widened in shock as her jaw dropped, she couldn't believe what she just heard. "HUH?!" she exclaimed, glancing at the Dazai and [first name]. "[first name] knows this man from the agency?!" Higuchi yelled. Akutagawa's eyes remained on his former mentors, "They have..history.." he said in slight disgust. Higuchi flinched as her eyes grew wider, "WHAT??" then she shook her head to go back to her senses. "No way!" she yelled, still having trouble believing Akutagawa's words.

Akutagawa closed his eyes, sighing heavily, "Believe me. I witnessed them being affectionate towards the other back when I was 16.." he said, cringing at the thought. "It's disgusting and traumatizing.." he said under his breath.

[first name] swiftly pulled her dagger away, spinning it with her delicate fingers flawlessly. She glanced at the unconscious Atsushi on the floor as she lifted her dress a little, revealing her thigh strap. A sly smirk formed on Dazai's lips when he witnessed that. She placed her dagger back to her thigh harness, "So this is the Weretiger that almost everyone's going crazy about?" She said, tilting her head at the unconscious young male, examining his features. Then she turned her back on Dazai, and began walking towards where her subordinates are, "We'll come back for him.." she said playfully.

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