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"I trust you already know about Suribachi City, in the Yokohama settlement," said Mori to a 15-year-old young male, wearing a black trench coat that reached under his knees. The young male was Osamu Dazai, and he also wore bandages over his right eye and his right arm is in a sling. Mori was in his doctor attire, and currently at his desk, writing some kind of contract. Once Mori was done with the contract, he turned to face Dazai, "There's a rumor that a certain individual from the past has been sighted in that area. I want you and a certain someone to go and investigate this rumor." he said as he lifted the contract, which was a silver leaf-inlaid Echizen paper, showing it to young brunette. "Take this contract with you. It's called the Silver Oracle. Show this to any member of the Port Mafia, and they will do whatever you ask of them.." Mori explained.

"Who am I working with again?" Dazai questioned as he remained sitting on a chair in a lazy-like position.

A small yet sly smile formed on Mori's lips, "A charming young lady named [first name]. And I believe you two have already talked to each other.." he said.

"Ah, yes," said Dazai, sounding a little unamused. "The girl who assassinated 150 people in one night.." he said in complete boredom. Then he looked at Mori, straight in the eyes, "Why is she coming along?" he questioned. A soft chuckle escaped Mori's mouth as he stared back at the young male, "That young girl has potential, and I think working alongside you will help her improve more." said Mori.

Dazai could feel himself frowning, "So, I'm basically babysitting while on the job?" he said in disappointment.

Mori gave him a calm-looking smile and said, "There's no need to worry much about her. She's a clever girl and a fast learner. I'm certain that you'll love working with her."

Dazai sighed heavily as he stood up from the chair, "I did hear a lot of good comments about her..and she did seem like an interesting person, judging from the last time that she and I talked..." he said, sounding a little lazy. "And I read her files before, her skills and ability are quite useful." he added.

"I'm glad you have no problems with working with her." said Mori. Then he looked at his watch to check the time, "I'm certain Kouyou had already informed her about this, and if I'm not mistaken, [first name] will arrive any moment now."

Dazai stayed quiet for a moment, then his mind went back to the rumor that he was going to investigate, "By the way, who's the rumor about?" he questioned.

"Take a guess." said Mori.

Dazai groaned as he lowered his head, "It be a rumor, you don't want to pick up speed.." he said. It only took him a second to think, "I see..it had to be him, wouldn't it?" he sighed as he stood up from the chair. He looked at Mori, straight in the eyes and said, "The subject of the rumors has to be the previous boss."

"Precisely," Mori as he watched the young male approach him to get the silver oracle. "There are some people who must never raise from their graves. I trust you understand where I'm coming from." said Mori as he handed the silver oracle to Dazai.

"Just make me that drug.." said Dazai.

Mori gave him a small nod. He was about to respond but he was stopped by the sound of someone entering his clinic, it caused him and Dazai to turn their heads to see who entered the room. Dazai's eyes slightly enlarged when he saw a familiar [favorite color]-haired girl—it was [first name].

[first name] yawned as she lazily kicked the door closed, then she immediately walked to where Mori was, "Hey, Mori, sorry for keeping you waiti-" she stopped when she saw Dazai, standing near her and Mori. Then her eyes landed on the silver oracle in Dazai's hands, she knew exactly what it is. "Uh...am I late?" she awkwardly asked.

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