Chapter 1

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   A/N : (Bear with me

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A/N : (Bear with me. I wrote this and it was not my best moment. So like first 20 chapters or so are bad, just a warning. Once the book is finished, I will go back and change somethings. SO bear with me!)

The bell rang as I walked to class. I take a seat in my usual spot in the front. We had one week of school left, that means one more week of being a junior. I was kind of excited. Getting the feel of one last year of this school. This school was not any different from other schools I have been to. It was divided into, the more the rich the more popularity, but if you aren't made of as much money as they are made of, you are nothing but a charity case to them. My past few years of being here I have learned that this town is big on karate. The well known dojo around here is the Cobra Kai's. Real jerks if you ask me. I would not be caught dead with one of them, not like they don't think the same about someone like me. If you aren't made of money you are nothing to them.

I open my notebook and grab my pen ready to take notes for this lecture. I am in the process as the teacher walks in. I look up at the chalkboard as he wrote. He turns around and I hear groans from all around me.

"Alright class as you can see you have one big final project before the year ends." He spoke as I laid my head on my hand. "don't get to upset as you will be working with partners for this project. I hear a few sighs before he interrupts again. "I will be picking them."

"Oh come on man." I hear someone say. Well this kind of works out for me because no one ever wants to be my partner. Well it sort of works out, it's kind of sad to think they're being forced to work with me.

"Alright Ali and Dave, Bobby and Chris..." I zone out waiting for my name to be called. "Last but not least Y/n and Johnny." I sat up quick.

You have got to be kidding me. I quickly walk to Mr. Hernandez's desk.

"Mr. Hernandez-" He cut me off with his hand in the air. "Miss. Y/l/n I understand you want to switch, but like I said I have chosen these partners, and I have chosen them for a reason. This might be a good chance for Johnny." He spoke sorting the things on his desk getting ready to tell us what to do next for the project.

"How so, he is loud, annoying, a know it all, and thinks the world revolves around him. You know he won't help in any part of this project." I sigh.

"And Miss. Y/l/n that's where you come in. You're my top student from my class and that means you are a hard worker. Maybe you can help Johnny get it together before the end of the year. He is going to need this credit to pass my class. I am sure you can understand." He spoke.

I sigh and nod before turning back around. That's when he finally arrived.

"Hello Mr. Lawrence late as usual. We are doing our final project and you are partnered with Miss. Y/l/n here." He points to you.

Johnny looked over at me and he laughed. "Why should I have to work with her, I mean look at her." I hear some students snicker.

"Mr. Lawrence this behavior will not be tolerated in my class, you will cooperate or you can find your way to detention for the rest of the week." Mr. Hernandez warned.

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