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Mirabel's POV:
We continued eating as we were waiting for Y/n to get up, I was a little upset that she didn't tell me about this issue first and decided to tell my untrustworthy cousin, but oh well. What annoyed my more is that Dolores was playing with Y/n's hair and letting her lay on her lap, I'm her girlfriend she should lay on my lap! Am I being overprotective right now, I am. I decided to ignore though I kept my hand in Y/n's thigh so Dolores knew she was mine, even if Dolores is 8 years older is still doesn't mean she can't steal my girlfriend like Dolores is a super pretty person way above me, she could steal Y/n off me anytime that's why I got to have my eye on her. Though I knew Dolores would never steal Y/n off me I still didn't trust her. I ate my food faster than normal so did Dolores I think we both wanted to get Y/n into a more comfortable place. After about 10 minutes of pure silence I was done Dolores wasn't though, yes! "I can take her upstairs if you want." "It's alright, you couldn't carry her anyway." I paused for a second, staring at Dolores. "Are you calling her fat." I glared at Dolores and she looked back at me in panic "No no no! That's not what I meant! I just-" I laughed at Dolores who was looking around in panic "I'm joking I'm joking! But I can, just place Y/n on my back" she sighed in relief and sat Y/n up before grabbing her by her waist and placing her on my back "Oh my god, she's so light." I spun around with Y/n on my back "She might fall just go upstairs." Pepa told me aggressively but in a nice way. I walked up stairs and opened my door before walking in shutting it again and placing Y/n down on my bed, I put a blanket over her and faces her onto the side then walked out again. As I got to the railing Dolores stopped me, shouting up to me from the table she said "Mirabel, put your bin next to the bed she throws up when she wakes!" I turn around quickly and place my bin behind Y/n, I saw she already threw up in it and gagged a little before walking out again and shutting the door behind me, joining the rest of the family again at the dinner table.

Y/n's POV:
I woke up and instantly felt spew come up my throat, I looked around and saw someone put the bin next to me, I leaned over and threw up straight away. I wiped my mouth with my sleeve which I regret doing because I now have spew on my clothes. I got up and headed over to the closet, picking out some jeans and a crop top which kind of looked like this:

(You can change it if you want)I sit back down on Mirabel's bed and look at the ground, thinking about how I just fainted in front of everyone

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(You can change it if you want)
I sit back down on Mirabel's bed and look at the ground, thinking about how I just fainted in front of everyone. They probably think I'm a weirdo and that I'm lying because its never happened before. I feel tears forming in my eyes, I tried to keep the tears in but it burned so I let it out. I pull my legs onto Mirabel's bed and cuddle my knees up to my face before crying on them. All the crying was making me more tired like I was going to faint, why am I like this why can't I just be normal.. I kept that in my head sobbing at the thought. I got the blanket that was laying over me when I woke up and wrapped it around me, I heard someone walking towards the door and covered myself and laying down like I hadn't woke up yet. I kept my eye open a little bit to see who it was, it was Julieta she looked at me and then at the bin "Had she already been sick before?" She shouted in disgust "Yeah she did!" I heard Mirabel and Dolores shout at the same time. Julieta looked back up at me and sat on the bed next to me, I tried to keep the blanket over me to hide that I was wearing something else. Julieta put her hand on my head and run her fingers through my hair, she quickly looked over at the door though as we heard little foot steps run in the door "Hola Benji" She took her hand off my head and picked up Benji giving him and hug then placing in the bed next to me "Take care of her Benji." She looked at Benji thinking he understood her, she looked away and giggled to her self before getting up and walking out the door closing it behind her. When Julieta left Benji jumped on my face giving me lots of kisses which made me giggle quietly, I sat up slowly and grabbed Benji "hey boy" I whispered to him and pet his head which made him jump about a bit. I'm just going to stay awake now theres no point pretending to be asleep. I noticed I still had tears rolling down my face when Julieta came in, I wiped my face to get them off and scooped up Benji giving him a huge hug. He wriggled around in my arms before jumping off the bed and barking, I got up and walked over to the mirror before putting on some mascara and lipgloss. I brushed over my hair and put two butterfly clips on each side, I opened the door and walked out listening to the loud talking of the Madrigals. I slowly walked downstairs since my legs were a little weak "Hola Mi amour!" (Hi my love!// Spanish) I heard a sweet voice shout at me, it was Mirabel running towards me with her arms wide open. I got to the bottom of the stairs and Mirabel leapt at me giving me a big hug. "Salut chéri. Comment ça va?" (Hello darling, how are you?// french) Mirabel looked at me in confusing "What?" She said tilting her head "Oh- sorry wrong language." I reply in an awkward way. I saw Mirabel's eyes glow "You can speak more then 2 languages!? Also how the hell do you look so good when you just woke up?" I laugh at both them comments "Well of course I can speak more then 2 languages, and thank you for the compliment." Mirabel smiled "what languages do you speak?" I stare in the distance to show that I am thinking. "About 4?" Mirabel smile grew wider "Reallly? What can you speak!" "Uhm. I can speak English and Spanish of course." Mirabel nodded at me "And I can speak French and Japanese!" Mirabel's jaw dropped "that's so cool!" I smiled at her patting her head and closing her mouth. I walked past her and leant against the wall. "Speak some French to me!" "I already did." She looked at me smiling "What did you say?" "I said: hello darling, how are you?" She smiled and a pink blush formed across her face "Speak more, Pleaseeeee" she gave me the 'puppy eye' look and I rolled my eyes. "comme ça tu veux dire ?" (Like that you mean?// french) she looked at me confused but just nodded for me to go on. "euh je ne sais pas quoi dire. Mais je vais juste agir comme si j'avais dit quelque chose d'important pour te taquiner." (uh i don't know what to say. But I'm just gonna act like I said something important to tease you.// french) I looked at her and smirked so looked back in confusing "what did you say?" "Oh nothing important~" I replied in a teasing way. "Tell me!" "Nah~" I walked away from her but she chased me. "Come on tell me! I wanna know! Tell me tell me tell me tell me!" She continued to go on like that for about 5 minutes, by that time I had a sore headache. "Okay fine, I said: uh i don't know what to say. But I'm just gonna act like I said something important to tease you." "No you didn't." I looked at her confused "Yes I did!" She rolled her eyes "Say it again, I'll record it and search it up." "Fine." She takes out her phone and puts it on record "euh je ne sais pas quoi dire. Mais je vais juste agir comme si j'avais dit quelque chose d'important pour te taquiner." She looked at me and I nodded, she stopped the recording and searched up what I said. She stared at her phone for a few minutes processing what I said, reading every word on the device. "Fine." She looked annoyed. "Are you and that I was right." I giggled and she glared at me which made me stop instantly. I got up and grabbed Mirabel's hand, she looked up at me confused. "Ven conmigo querida." (Come with me dear. // Spanish)  I took her outside and sat down on the stairs, she sat next to me very close. I looked at the moon and noticed Mirabel staring at me at the side of my eye. I looked back at her and she softly leant in for a kiss, even if I had kissed Mirabel like 1000 times it always feels more magical. Her soft lips pressed against mine is just a dream, her small groans as I wrap my fingers in her hair is just the cutest.

The rest of the Madrigals:
Mirabel and Y/n are sitting at the door step in the middle of a romantic kiss, we all stare sending 'awh'(s) through the room. We all grab our devices and take a picture, the beautiful moonlight in the back and the two perfect love birds in the front. They are made for each other, we all hope they never end their relationship, ever.

Words: 1732
I like this chapter even though it's a bit about the place lol
I am posting faster than normal right now so you won't have to wait a long time for the next chapter (maybe a day or less!)

Mirabel x y/n (female version <3)Where stories live. Discover now