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Mirabel's POV:
I woke up and started my day earlier today, I got dressed and headed out of the casita, I walked up some hills and stopped at the strawberry farm. I grabbed a basket and walked on picking up every juicy red strawberry I saw, Mamá wanted to make a strawberry cake for me tonight so I had to collect the strawberries, it's okay though it's fun and relaxing no shouting or loud noises just quiet. I picked up a strawberry out of the basket and took a bite, it was so juicy and perfect the best strawberries grow at this farm, I'm so glad I live here.

Y/n's POV:
I woke up colder this morning (again). I knew Mirabel had left the bed before I even opened my eyes, I don't care though I'll just ask someone where she is. I got up and immediately felt dizzy so I sat right back down again, I held my head as the room was spinning I tried looking around but all I could see was colours flying past my eyes. "Someone, help!" I shouted as loud as I could which wasn't loud at all but I was sure Dolores could hear, as soon as my eyes focused again I heard the door swing open and everything went black.

Dolores's POV:
I heard Y/n shout for help so I barged into her room, as I did her eyes closed and she immediately fell back. "Y/n, are you okay!?" I ran over to her and lifted her head up looking at her closed eyes, I leaned closer and turned my head to see if her breathing was normal. It was slower and more quiet but she sounded okay, I knew she had passed out because no one could fall asleep that fast. I put her legs onto her head and leaned her upper body on my lap waiting for her to wake up, I kept her head sideways incase she needed to be sick when she woke up. As I was waiting I played with her hair and tied it up before taking it down again and playing with it more, her breathing went back to normal as I could see her stomach raising faster. 30 minutes go by and y/n finally lifted her hand up rubbing my arm "where am I?" She didn't have her eyes open so she couldn't see anything. "It's alright Y/n, are you okay?" "Who's that!" She asked shooting her head up and staring at the wall. "It's Dolores, you okay Y/n." I stayed calm so she would feel safe and she turned around to me with her eyes open this time "oh hey Dolores, what happened?" "I think you passed out when you woke up." She looked at me and looked at the ground "Dolores." "Hm?" She looked back up at me "Could you please get me a bowl or a bucket?" She covered her mouth quickly after saying that, I shot up and grabbed the bin beside the door. I ran back and shoved the bin under Y/n's chin before quickly turning away, I heard a 'bleh' and then the spew. Covering my ears quickly so I didn't have to hear it I asked "Are you alright now, Y/n?" "Mhm." I slowly turned around and Y/n had tears in her eyes.
(Before I say the next part you can just ignore it if you don't want to go along with it, it's your own choice <3)

"Woah are you okay Y/n?" I asked her quickly and put my hand on her shoulder, she leaned picked up the bin and put it on the ground before bursting into tears and hugging me. "Y/n what's wrong!?" I hug her back very worried "Dolores, I have a condition called Vasovagal syncope which leads me to faint at random times. I haven't fainted in quite some time so I thought that It was just for a little while but now it's back and I'm going to embarrass myself!" She mumbled the whole thing until the last bit. "Y/n what do you mean embarrass yourself?" I grab her shoulders and push her back to come in line with my eyes "like I said, I faint at random times so I might faint while we are at the table and everyone might think I am dead!" She giggled a little but was still pretty upset "I take it that this has happened before?" She nodded at me before wiping the tears from her cheeks. "It's okay Y/n, if you do I'll take care of you and tell everyone. They won't be mad or freak out I promise." She looked at me and smiled before leaning in for another hug. "Thank you Dolores, your a great friend." I hugged her back while smiling.

Mirabel's POV:
I came back from picking strawberries after about an hour. "Gracias querida, fue divertido?" (Thank you dear, was it fun?) mamà asked me as I handed the basket of strawberries to her. "Yes mamá, it was very relaxing to have some quiet time to myself." Mamá smiled at me and gave me a big kiss on the cheek "Haha, Mamá!" I wriggled about and giggled at my mum, she giggled and turned around before washing the strawberries. "Do you want any help Mamá?" I asked her "No darling it's alright, you have the day off." She continued to wash the strawberries, as I watched her I heard two people laughing. It was Dolores and Y/n "Mamá I'm going to see Y/n, love you!" Mamá waved bye and went back to what she was doing. I ran through to Y/n and Dolores and saw they were hugging while walking, I smiled and waved at them both "Hola Y/n and Dolores, how are you both?" The both looked at me and smiled "I'm great thanks Mirabel!" Dolores basically shouted as she put her thumbs up, y/n laughed at Dolores before turning to me again "yeah we're great Mi amour, thank you for asking." She let go of Dolores and walked up to me with her arms out wide, I ran up to her and gave her a tight hug then a little kiss. We smiled at each other and she grabbed my hand "Come on guys, let's go watch Tv while we are waiting for dinner" "Y/n it's only 1:30" I said to her but she just seemed to ignore me so I went along with it. Y/n seemed to fall asleep half way through the show so I let her lean on my shoulder. (Oh dear Mirabel she blacked out, not asleep). After about 40 minutes Y/n woke back up and looked around "are you okay Y/n?" Dolores seemed to ask very quickly but I just ignored it, Y/n nodded at Dolores before leaning back on my shoulder and watching the show again. We ended up watching 2 shows and 5 movies, it was our only time off so why not!

Y/n's POV:
It was darker now and we had watched a lot of movies "Dinner is ready!" Alma and Julieta called us all, Mirabel spring up and ran to the table though Dolores helped me get up and walked through slowly with me. "Did you pass out half way through?" She asked me quickly, I nodded to her and she nodded back. We got to the table and I sat next to Mirabel as Dolores sat next to me on the other side like she promised, Dolores let go of my hands and put her hands on the table. My hands were cold so I grabbed Mirabel's and she smiled at me before squeezing my hand and holding it tight. Dolores leaned over to me and whispered into my ear quickly "remember if you feel faint just tap me, nudge me or pull on the side Of my skirt." She looked at me and smiled, I nodded and smiled before looking back at the table. Everyone grabbed their food and listened to Alma talk, after about 10 minutes of Alma talking about herself and miracle for the 173738th time we all began to eat. I was in the middle of eating my food and I stared to feel dizzy, everyone and everything started to spin again. I managed to focus my eyes on Dolores and I tapped her, I don't think she felt it though so I reached my arm down and I pulled the side of her skirt. She shot her head around and everything started to go blurry again, everything was just colours and were floating around in little blobs then it was dark.

Dolores's POV:
I shot up out of my chair when I felt a pull on my skirt, I grabbed y/n's head and leaned it forward her eyes were open then quickly shut and her head felt heavier. "Dolores what are you doing?" "Omg what's wrong with Y/n!?" Everyone stared at her and a cloud stared to form above us all "is she dead!?" Mamá looked at me "No no no! Let me explain." Everyone stopped stressing and went quiet, I turned y/n's legs toward Mirabel's chair and lay her head on my lap. "Y/n has a condition called Vasovagal syncope which causes her to faint at random times." Everyone looked shocked "Well that can't be true, it's never happened before until now!" Alma looked straight into my eyes like I was a liar. "I am not lying. It happened this morning as well, y/n called for help and she blacked out." "When she woke up she told me that she used to get it when she was younger but I just stopped and she thought it was gone until now." Everyone stared me while I looked at Y/n "We believe you Dolores, we are happy you are keeping Y/n safe." Everyone smiled at me "So is this going to happen again at some point?" Camilo looked at me and tilted his head. "Yes so you will have to look after Y/n, if you see her staring into space quickly grab her." Camilo nodded as everyone listened to my instructions "How didn't I know about this?" Mirabel stared right at me looking a bit angry that's he wasn't the first one to know. "What do you mean?" "Well I am Y/n's girlfriend so I should be the first one to know about this." She looked even more annoyed. "I think she was just shy and didn't want you to think that she was a weirdo, I saw it happen though so she had to tell me." I said seriously to Mirabel, she stared at me for a few seconds "Alright well Y/n isn't a weirdo so she could have told me." "Well she didn't think that did she." I said back in a strict voice a little bit annoyed and Mirabel now. I could see that Mirabel didn't want to cause a fight though so she just nodded and me and starters rubbing Y/n's leg. Everyone else went back to eating as I looked after Y/n until she woke up.

Words: 2074

So if it wasn't clear I'll explain what Vasovagal syncope is :
Vasovagal syncope is quite common. It most often affects children and young adults, but it can happen at any age. It happens to men and women in about equal numbers. Unlike some other causes of fainting, vasovagal syncope does not signal an underlying problem with the heart or brain.

So there's a lesson on condition's :D
Also quick thing to add, Y/n is going to end up having a few problems over the chapters such as:

Depression is a low mood that lasts for weeks or months and affects your daily life.

Anxiety is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe. Everyone has feelings of anxiety at some point in their life. For example, you may feel worried and anxious about sitting an exam, or having a medical test or job interview.

And this isn't really a problem but anyway y/n will also get Glossophobia

Explanation on Glossophobia:
Glossophobia is known as performance anxiety, or the fear of speaking in front of an audience.

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