Chapter 07

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"Senator Organa?" I questioned in shock, waiting to hear if he would expose me or not, having come to his planet as a fugitive.

"Lyra Jayko" He greeted back, making sure he didnt use my title as a Jedi. He nodded towards Rex who leaned protectively watching from the ramp. "May I come aboard your ship, not so out in the open?" He asked politely.

"Yes, of course" I replied, trusting him to keep our secret. Rex and I guided him onto our ship, sitting around the common area to discuss whatever Senator Organa had come to us with. "How did you know we were here?" I wondered, taking a seat beside Rex.

"I know who comes and goes on this planet, Lyra" the Senator offered a smile to me. "What brings you to Alderaan?"

"We came looking for Lyra's parents" Rex started, knowing I wasn't up for talking about what we had found.

"Ah, yes" Bail nodded in understanding, offering me a sympathetic smile. "Lorna and Anderson Jayko. Your father was a baker, best in the market and your mother was one of Breah's handmaidens" he recalled. "I'm just admit that I am relieved to hear that both of you managed to escape the Empire, when Obi Wan and Yoda told me what had happened I was in shock"

"You spoke to Master Yoda and Obi Wan?" I cut in quickly with interest, leaning forward slightly.

"Yes, I helped them escape Coruscant and took in one of the twins"

"What? But Master Kenobi was on Utapau and Master Yoda was on Kashyyyk last I heard" I shook my head.

"Right, let me start from the beginning." Bail began. "Senator Amidala and I both stood in the Senate chambers when Emperor Palpatine declared the Jedi were traitors" he remembered the moment with a shiver. "Master Yoda had contacted me for help after he and Kenobi returned to Coruscant to see the destruction of the Jedi Temple. Padmé had given birth to her twins before she had died"

"Padmé" I choked out her name, hearing of the loss of yet again another friend. "Was Anakin the father?" I wondered, having heard rumours of his own death.

"Yes and he had turned to the dark side, forcing Obi Wan to kill him" Bail spoke carefully as my heart stopped in shock at what I was hearing. "Obi Wan took Luke to Tatooine to be with his aunt and uncle where he will watch over him from a distance and Breah and I offered to take in Leia" he finished.

"Is anyone here to protect Leia?" I wondered, feeling as though I should be doing something more.

"We have the palace highly protected at all times where she is safe" Bail told us both.

"Can we see her?" I asked before even thinking about what the consequences could be.

"Yes, we would like that" the Senator nodded, instructing us to fly to the palace landing zone where we would be allowed into the palace safely.

"Lyra, Rex, I'm glad that you are both safe" the Queen greeted us inside the palace where it was more private.

"Thank you, ma'am" Rex nodded politely towards her.

"This is Leia" she held the child gently in her arms, rocking her back and fourth while guiding us to sit down. "Would you like to hold her?" Breah looked to me with her question, catching me off guard.

"Oh uh, I don't know" I grew weary, afraid I would hurt her like how everyone else in my life has been hurt.

"Go on, she'll be okay" Bail promised, seeing my weariness. I nodded with a small smile, accepting the baby girl from the Queen who moved to sit across from us. I gently held Leia close to me, all of my focus being on her as Bail, Breah and Rex held a simple conversation on what we had been doing since the order was given.

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