Chapter 10

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"Hey sorry to intrude but—" I started as I walked into Rex's quarters on the survivor without knocking. "Oh I'm sorry!" I panicked as I finally looked at him to see he was not wearing a shirt at the moment.

"That's fine, what did you want to talk to me about?" He raised an eyebrow while looking up at me as I blankly stared at him, brain frozen and betraying me.

"Right" I snapped back to focus with the slight shake of my head as my cheeks were painted red with embarrassment. "I Uh needed you to grab some- what was it?- um supplies when we dock with the rebel fleet" I managed to tell him through various mumbles and stutters.

"What supplies do we need?" The clone Captain smirked, knowing he was making me flustered. He stood up from his seat on his bunk and my focus left once again.

"I'll make you a list!" I called, quickly rushing out to save myself from further embarrassment. I leaned against the wall next to his door and covered my red face with my hands when I heard laughter coming from his room. "I can hear you laughing!" I scolded as my face grew even more red. The door opened and I ran off to go make the list and avoid Rex.

"Have you boys seen Lyra?" Rex walked into the common room, finally pulling a shirt over himself as he greeted his brothers.


"I saw her run away from your room earlier but I haven't seen her since" Wolffe replied. "Actually, I almost forgot. She told us to give you this" Wolffe handed him a list of supplies with a shrug.


"Hello General Jayko, I'm commander Sato" a man introduced as I stepped off of the ship and into the rebel transport ship.

"Hi, I was told to meet someone in the war room" I began, hoping to leave before Rex and the others came out to get supplies.

"Right, yes. She is very excited to see you" Sato continued, leading me down the hallway towards the war room where an old friend was waiting for me.

"Ahsoka?" I gasped as I came to a halt in the doorway at the sight of her Montrals, back facing me as she looked at the holomap in front of her.

"Lyra!" She spun around and pulled me in for a hug. "It's been so long" she started, having grown in the past year of us being apart and on the run.

"It's so good to see you again" I smiled at her.

"How have you been?" She pulled away from the hug to get a better look at me. "I see you haven't changed much" she noted, remembering how I had dressed during the clone wars compared to now.

"Yeah, I also brought a few other friends who are busy getting supplies" I told her where the others were.

"So how are things with Rex?" The Togruta smirked over at me and I simply groaned in response, walking alongside her as she showed me around the ship. "You still like him, don't you?" She grew worried at my reply.

"Yes-Kriff" I cursed as we turned the corner to see the three clones. "Ahsoka" I pulled her back around the corner and she gave me an amused and knowing look.

"Your hiding from him?" She raised an eyebrow curiously.

"Well I sorta maybe made a fool out of myself when I told him about picking up the supplies"

"How did you make a fool out of yourself?"

"He wasn't wearing a shirt and I got flustered and stumbled over my words" my face heated up at the memory.

"I thought it was adorable" the voice of a clone caught me off guard as my eyes went wide and I froze in fear. Rex had a faint blush on his face after hearing our conversation about him but remained calm and collected unlike me.

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