Charon Agatha Shin

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Charon Agatha Shin, is a character that has not been seen before by any of the other cast. She is a Demon that refused to keep suffering in Hell and has escaped. She was a serial killer of which nothing on her world had ever seen before. Yes I said her world. Charon is an alien but she isn't a part of some kind of super powerful race of gods or anything like that, no. Charon is an alien only in the sense that she's not from the same earth that the rest of the cast is from. She actually from a another timeline, in another dimension, in another universe, in an alternate version of earth. She was technically a princess in her world but she was one diabolical hoe. She was so evil that she went on a murderous rampage across her whole universe, went back to her home world and used blood magic to summon a demon. The demon was a black human looking female. She was this really dark shadowy figure with a red mouth and glowing red eyes. Charon sold her soul to the demon who was actually the ruler of the Ninth level of hell in her own dimension, eventually died and was sent to suffer, at one point she got bored of suffering and broke loose from her captivity and killed every demon in the Ninth level and now rules it herself. You are probably wondering right now what Charon sold her soul for, and to that, I say, she sold her soul to have power of that of god itself. And she did but only when she did die, did she loose that power. But the power it felt way too good, she wanted to have her power back, so she killed everyone in the Ninth level and found a way of giving herself the power of god again and now she rules her own hell. She was able to use her Will as a weapon of mass destruction. She was so dead set on what she wanted to do that no monster in the firey depths could stop her.

Charon by this point is about 3 eons old. Giving her more then enough time to push the limits of the power of Will. After killing the person she sold her soul to and regaining said soul, Charon got a bit of a makeover. She literally became the physical embodiment of Darkness and Evil. She is now the shadowy person that haunts the dark corners of your mind and your vision. She is now the darkness that exist in all mortals and gods alike giving her unrivaled power. Charon is able to do a bunch of things with the power of Will, she has so much power that she can basically make up new superpowers on the fly, she is literally omnipotent to an absolute extent. And to top that, Charon stumbled upon these race of people that weren't really aliens but they were in fact people that were born with holy blood. Like a race of full fledge demigods. Charon saw that they worked under a god. The Demi gods, fun fact, took on the form of 3D shadow people, meaning that Charon looks exactly like them. Charon came up with the idea of stealing the halo of the god and then using it to kill almost every god there ever was. And the demigod people that she found would then be her servants for an indefinite period. Charon is so bloodlusted that she stole the halo off a gods head, killed said god, and then killed almost all the other gods. She can fly, she can put her own thoughts in other people's head and bend their minds to do her bidding, can spawn anything into existence with ease, turn invisible, can tear the fabric of space and time to her whim, break the laws of all known and unknown physics, can come into contact with aliens that abide by the laws of physics that doesn't even exist in her own plane of existence, can see and has killed things that don't and have never existed before. Despite being a demon she can use holy magic. Can control the elements of heaven and hell. She can steal souls, can tear people apart at the sub-atomic level. Can kill things by walking pass them and so much more.

Charon is kinda twisted in the head but she isn't as evil as Blake for example. The only reason why she was sentenced to the 9th level was because she just has an unbelievable body count. Charon grew up in a not so loving family or environment. Her parents weren't abusing her or experimenting on her or anything, her parents just disregarded her existence entirely and just didn't care for her no matter what she did. And so Charon would just do all these terrible things to people and because her parents didn't do anything, Charon just continued because she thought she could get away with it, and her crimes against her universe only got worse and worse. Charon didn't have any siblings or relatives so after her parents died, she had no one. No friends or anything. Charon one day, on another planet, stumbled upon a VR head set, she looked through it and saw a whole world full of people, a world in which she couldn't just teleport too. The sight of it fascinated her to no end. So she wanted to test out the limits of this new world, but an accident occurred. Her demonic presence was breaking this new virtual world she stumbled upon. And this new virtual world wasn't like a game or anything like that, it was a meeting ground of sorts, a place used by approximately one quarter of the multiverse. Her presence broke the game in such away that everyone who uses it had their brains rot away and basically become shells. Mindless creatures that don't experience consciousness. After Charon figures that out she had an idea. She would take the souls of everyone who uses this meeting grounds and then take over their minds and bodies. And that's exactly what she did, but there was a massive twist to that. Not only were the people that used the meeting grounds under her control, but the virtual avatars that the people used to traverse the virtual world were corrupted into monsters and were now under her control too. So about half the multiverse belongs and is governed by Charon. And when I say "half" I mean that since a quarter of the multiverse uses the meeting grounds are now under Charon's control and now on top of that the avatars (of which are the exact same number of avatars as there are actual people) are under her control now too, that makes about half the multiverse is hers. So the army of soldiers that Charon has is so big that it's almost incomprehensible. She to this day still remains as a goddess. But she has taken notice to a mortal soul on another planet that was in a similar situation. A girl that turned into a demon, escaped hell and is now trying to build an army to rule hell with an iron fist. It was an anthropormorphian girl, a bunny girl that is basically a demonic video game character almost like the corrupted avatars that Charon herself rules over.

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