Chapter Fourteen:

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Lin looked over her shoulder while Chihiro stared at her back standing straight and stretching. 

"Just, I don't know, mop the water up or something while I'm gone." she waved before disappearing into the chaos. The human stared on with her mouth agape not believing that her best friend would leave her with extra work.

Climbing out of the tub, she fumed while starting to mop up the left over water that had spilled out of the large basin. 

"Stupid goop." she growled. "Stupid Yubaba for being the only person to use magic around here!" An image of her gorgeous dragon flittered through her brain but she quickly pushed it away and instead focused on mopping.

The wondering eyes continued to watch her while trying to muster up the courage to approach. Haku knew that he should speak to her, that he should run to her and take her into his arms; that she would be happy to see him but also furious. After all, he had basically abandoned her for those twelve years. And for humans he was sure it'd feel much longer than it did for him as a spirit. For the first time in a long time, the bold dragon of Yubaba's bathhouse was scared to approach a servant within his 'home'. 

Taking a deep breath, he decided to take a mature approach while being prepared for any negative reactions. He steeled his face while taking a step farther into the room to actually become noticeable. 

"Still an excellent worker, even after all of these years I see." he spoke watching her whole figure pause, her back still to him. "Though your looks have most definitely changed. I suppose twelve years really can greatly change a human's appearance."

Chihiro was frozen in place while listening to the voice calling out to her. She knew exactly who's voice it was. She had heard it many years ago and had begged any higher powers out there to allow her to hear it again. It had definitely matured; it was deeper than she could've imaged but there was no mistaking that it was her beloved.

Slowly bending down to set the mop down at her feet, she stood tall and turned to face him. The spirit who had haunted her dreams. Taking in his appearance, Chihiro's eyes widened. Her dragon was now a grown man; a very handsome grown man. She felt her heart race, and a ringing filled her ears. 

A little part of her was afraid that she was still dreaming and debated pinching herself just to make sure that he was truly standing before her. For years she had planned out every single detail after being reunited; but now that it was actually happening she was lost for words. 

He was here.

And she was here.

There was so much to say, but at the same time nothing at all. 

Chihiro took a gulp of air when she realized that she was just staring at him. Silently she told herself to get it together. Slapping on a smug smirk she crossed her arms and said, "Seems I'm not the only one with a change in my appearance." she did a little wolf whistle before fanning her face. Haku smiled a goofy grin before he began walking towards his human with a little more confidence in his stride. 

Perhaps she wouldn't be as angry as he had assumed. Mentally he made a note to thank and apologize to his assistance who led him to her. But right now he wanted to be fully engrossed in the fact that his Chihiro, his human, was finally standing right in front of his eyes. 

Coming to stand a little closer to her, Haku gave a friendly smile before pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. "You really have groan even more beautiful."

Chihiro felt like a fish out of water while she felt her cheeks flush a bright red. Immediately she looked down towards her feet and smiled widely. Normally complements didn't excite her like this; so why was her body betraying her now?! "Thank you." she said shyly glancing up at him through her eyelashes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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