Chapter Seven:

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¨Please Mama, I want Sen to stay with us forever! Please give her back her job.¨ Yubaba groaned loudly and drug her hand down her face as she looked between her son's hopeful expression, and Chihiro's smug look. She knew one of her biggest problems was that she had a hard time denying Bo what he wanted; she was a good mother, all she wanted was for her baby to be happy after all.

¨Honey, that's what we're discussing. I'm trying to decide if it would be worth it to take her back, she is a human after all.¨ Bo stared at her confused for multiple moments before he frowned deeply at her and pointed at Chihiro who was standing silently beside him.

¨But Mama, you've been complaining about wanting Sen back to work at the Bathhouse since she left.¨ he tugged her into a bone crushing hug once again while staring at his mother disapprovingly. ¨You even said you wished everyone was as good a worker as her!¨

Even as she was being squished Chirio smirked at the old woman the best she could in an 'I told you so' manner. She knew this woman missed her, even if she didn't admit it. Yubaba saw her smirk of course and groaned loudly again, of course she missed having the girl at the Bathhouse, but she didn't want to admit it to her.

¨Oh alright Bo, spoil all my fun.¨ she crashed down onto her chair looking completely defeated, dealing with this particular human always tired her out, more now since she was an adult. With a defeated sigh she reached into a drawer and pulled out a paper contract, she paused staring at it for a moment, before levitating it towards Chihiro who had her hands out in front of her body. She stared at it while Bo slowly, and carefully removed his arms from around her small body; was this really all she needed to return to her life? Chihiro couldn't believe that this small piece of paper, a contract, was the only thing she needed to get her life back on track; and it was literally resting in the palm of her hand.

¨Does that mean I get to go by 'Sen' again? Or do I have to go by another name?¨ he honestly didn't know how Yubaba had the contract set up, she had hoped she would keep her slave name, but it was possible the old woman would take that as well as her actual name.

¨No, Sen is fine; giving you another name would just be an inconvenience for the Bathhouse.¨ she waved her hand dismissively before smiling defeatedly at her son as Bo smiled widely at her in return. With that information, Chihiro quickly signed her name with a smile showing on her face; most people wouldn't be too excited about giving up the name they were given at birth, but Chihiro couldn't careless at the moment. This was it, she was finally getting her life back.

After her name was clearly written on the line of the contract it slowly began to peel off in front of her eyes; it slowly floated up and drifted up towards Yubaba who had her hand up in the air waiting for it without looking; she snatched it. Before Chihiro could stare more than she already had, Bo clapped his hands loudly catching her attention. She looked over at the large boy curiously and smiled when a large happy smile stretched across his wide face.

¨Does that mean we can play now? Can Sen play with me Mama?¨ he looked at his mother in wonder but she closed her eyes and shook her head. Right before he could protest she raised her hand and looked in Chihiro's direction before opening her eyes.

¨Sen needs to get settled in Bo. Maybe she could play with you another time.¨ she watched as Chihiro looked on at her curious and confused. ¨Go get yourself situated; stay with Lin again if you want, she hasn't been the same worker since you left, maybe your presence will remind her of her responsibilities to the Bathhouse.¨

Chihiro bowed with a thousand different thoughts running through her mind; she had done it. ¨Thank you for the opprotunity.-¨ she paused and glanced up at Bo who was watching her intensely. ¨And thank you Bo, you helped me out a lot just now.¨ she watched as he nodded his head with a smile.

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