Chapter 17: OK

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After a long day at the beach Natalie invited Braeden inside to hangout for a bit. Cade decided to ride home with Dylan and Lydia. Braeden sat in her bed watching TV as she hopped in the shower. She came back into her bedroom, towel wrapped around her, to find some clothes to put on.

They eyed each other and smiled. She went back to the bathroom to change, reappearing in an oversized t-shirt. Braeden still was shirtless as he had lent Natalie his tee.

"Do you wanna borrow a shirt?" She offered. "The one you lent me got all wet and sandy from my hair dripping on it at the beach. I'll wash it before I give it back."

"No, that's alright." He said. "I'll be fine."

She climbed into bed beside him. He was watching the Queen's Gambit, head propped up on his elbow as he lay on his side. She watched him as he lay there so peacefully, her heart full.
He looked at her.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

"No," she grinned and bonked him on the head with a pillow.

"Looks like your cheeks got a little sun, today." He said, thumbing her face.

She realized how much she liked his touch, the feeling of his hand on her skin. She looked down for a moment, collecting herself. He was grinning, seeming to enjoy making her blush. Although, her blush was mostly hidden by the delicate sunburn that draped her nose and cheeks.

Natalie threw her arm over him and pulled herself close to him, resting her head in the crevasse of his neck. He hugged her back.

"Thank you," she mumbled.

"For what?" He asked confused.

"You're always so kind to me. I just really appreciate it. It means a lot to me."

"You don't have to thank me. I'm just being myself, really. But you're welcome."

He caressed her back until Natalie pulled out of the hug. For the second time that day, Braeden said,

"I am gonna make you my girlfriend. Just wait, you'll see," sticking his nose into the air confidently, trying not to laugh.

She laughed a lot at this.

"Okay," she said pleased. "I will be patient."

Braeden lay back, watching the ceiling. Natalie rested her head on his shoulder, curled up beside him, watching the ceiling, too, as they talked about everything and nothing. She traced his chest softly with her finger. He rested one of his hands on her bare thigh, sliding his hand just under the oversized t-shirt she wore.

"Does graduating make you nervous?" He asked, voice a little hoarse as he was getting tired.

She thought for a moment. "Yeah," she said. "Right now all I know is school. It's all I've known. Once I graduate it's like I'll have to step foot into the real world."

"But you're strong. You got this." He said. "You will totally be okay. You're super smart, you're independent. It'll be a cake walk."

"Gee, I sure hope so."

He put a hand on her head and brushed her hair away from her face. He held her close to him, comforting her.

"Well," he said. "I better get going. It's late."

"Okay," she said, not wanting him to leave but also knowing it might not be the best idea for him to stay. "I'll walk you to the door."

At the front door he said, "Thank you for hanging out with me and my friends today. I had a really good time."

"Thank you for inviting me. I had an even better time."

They hugged for a moment and he kissed her on the head before saying goodbye.

I Adore You // Braeden LemastersWhere stories live. Discover now