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"MY NAME IS genevieve evans, i am 20 years old, and i am a student from london

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"MY NAME IS genevieve evans, i am 20 years old, and i am a student from london.

though i am pretty much a full time student, i do have a large following on instagram. i am in uni studying medicine, and i hope to be a physician one day.

you might recognize me from my social media presence, i have some followers on instagram, and i was very active on tumblr a few years ago.

and you might be thinking, it's easy to find people on social media! but even if that's true, i haven't got very lucky by now.

i've been in a few short lived relationship, like i'm talking 1-4 months. the longest relationship i've ever been in was for three years, he was my boyfriend all through out high school.

we ended on a bit of a bad note, he had done some things that i wasn't a fan of, and i won't sit back and let people hurt me. i'm just not that kind of person.

if my friends had to describe me in three words, i think they'd say dramatic, outgoing, and loving.

i love a good party, and i love to get dressed up. i am also very family oriented, i have a big family and they mean the world to me. i have a twin brother, and then another older brother and an older sister. we are all extremely close, and i'm heartbroken that i won't be able to speak to them while i'm in here

it's important for me to find someone who will love my family just as much as i do, and if my twin brother, wyatt, doesn't get along with the boy i'm with, then it's over. my family means too much to let a boy get in the way of that.

i am genuinely a very loving person, if i consider you a trustworthy person, and we get along well, then i will give you my whole heart.

i don't think i really have a specific type, but honesty is a big thing for me. if you can't tell me the truth, than i won't want to be around you. it's as simple as that. but for physical appearance, i do like taller boys, i'm on the taller side myself, so i'd personally like a boy who's taller than me. i'm also a sucker for brown eyes. i just love them.

i do have high expectations you know? like i want to be swept off my feet, i don't want a boy who expects me to do all the sweeping!

i would say that i'm coming to love island to just see what happens. i'm not really expecting to find my soul mate, but you never know what will happen while you're in here.

i am a very honest person, so i'll be very honest with all of you, if a boy walks in the villa and i fancy him, i'm willing to step on some toes.

though i'm sure i'll love all the girls, i will play dirty to get what i want. that's just who i am."


our islanders meet !

"you're gorgeous,"

the girls make their plans !

"i'll only tell you once..."

and the boys make a shocking discovery !

"new rules? now what is that supposed to mean?!"

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