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one boy makes his choice !

"the girl i want to couple up with is..."

another isn't too happy !

"but you flirted with her?!"

and we settle the kiss !

"it wasn't like that at all!"

I WOKE UP to find amelia and evie sitting on the edge of my bed, once they notice i'm awake, they drag me into the kitchen.

"what-" i start, before evie rudely shushes me. she holds her pointer finger to her lips and motions her head to the daybeds, where jessi and sabrina are sitting and talking.

sabrina is relaxed, her back resting on the headboard, and her toned legs stretched out on the white bed.

jessi, not as much. she is sitting on the edge of the other, intently listening to sabrina. she's sat up straight, and still in her pjs.

sabrina is already dressed for the day, wearing a luxurious black bikini with simple sunglasses sat atop her head.

jessi's hands lay in her lap, intwined as she plays with them.

the boys are sitting on the lawn chairs below the daybeds, all dead silent, listening to the conversation going on above them.

"i just wanna know, like, why you kissed him," sabrina adjusts her sunglasses, and stares right into jessi's eyes.

jessi shifts uncomfortably, and sighs before answering, "it said kiss the islander you fancy the most besides your partner,"

"obviously!" sabrina scoffs, cutting her off.

we all stay silent as jessi's shakes her head and continues her sentence. "so i kissed him, because he's the islander i fancy the most besides micha." she says, looking back into sabrina's eyes.

i do feel bad for jessi. i sigh. she just did what she was asked and sabrina has become too attached too quickly.

"well obviously you're going to be grafting hard on him, so how do i know the kiss doesn't mean something else?"

"it wasn't like that at all!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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