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the new boy makes his moves !

"i definitely fancy you, yeah,"

accusations are made !

"i never said that!"

and the islanders play a game !

"that kiss had to mean something though, right?"

THE SUN BLARED in through the floor to ceiling windows, and the lights in the room abruptly turned on, making every person in the room groan.

micha jumped out of his and jessi's bed, and loudly announced "everybody up!"

he was met with pillows to the face, including one from beau and i. "go to bed!" beau groaned, pressing our extra pillow down onto his face in hopes to block out the bright sun.

evie jumped out of bed, and quickly made her way to the dressing room. the rest of us reluctantly followed her.

after putting on a simple blue and white striped bathing suit, i sat down in front of the mirror to do some simple makeup.

"what do you guys think about the new boy?" jessi asks, sitting down next to me.

"i'm not really interested in getting to know him." sabrina simply states, apply sunscreen to her shoulders.

"it's day two, are you already set on rhys?" amelia asks, earning an eye roll from sabrina.

"when you know, you know. i'm pretty solid with him." she angrily says, leaving the dressing room in a haste.

"drama queen!" jessi shakes her head, patting her cheek with her beauty blender.

"she's delusional," amelia agrees, nodding her head towards the roof terrace, signaling for jessi and i to join her after rhys and avi walk into the room.

we all clamber out to the roof terrace, and i sit down in the corner. amelia goes to my left, and jessi to my right.

"first impressions?" amelia asks, raising her eyebrows.

"i like beau. he's fun to tease," i smile, and they both laugh.

"so you've done bits then?" jessi asks with a smirk.

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