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The canteen lady slops some sort of food on my tray but I'm not entirely sure if it is edible. It's some sort of pasta? But it looks more like string.

I smile and say thanks but I am returned with a grumble. Fine, grumpy bum, I was just trying to be nice.

I huff and walk over to our table, finding Emily, Niall, Liam and Sophia.

"Hey," I smile and take a seat.

"Rosie, guess what!?" Emily squeals.

"Gee I don't know, let me just take a guess, okay?" I pause and pretend to be thinking, "Would it have to have something to do with 'the new hot kid?" I say, sarcastically.

Her shoulders sink and she pouts. "How did you know I was going to talk about him?"

"Uh Em, you are pretty easy to read," Sophia says. "And the only thing that you have been talking about all day is Harry." I laugh with her and start eating my pasta, only to spit it right out again. Seriously can they make something decent here?

Emily huffs and turns back towards me.

"Anyway" she says gritting her teeth at Sophia. "He is in my maths class! He sits a few seats away from me and all he was doing was chewing on the end of his pencil. It was actually so hot."

"Emily, hello? I'm right here." Niall says, waving a hand in front of her face.

"Sorry." She grumbles and continues stabbing at her food with her head slumped in her hand.

"Was that all you were going to say?" I ask her.

"Yes." She replies.

"Really? I thought you were going to lead us up to something a bit more exciting, not just chewing on a pencil." I say.

She just grumbles in return. But I have to admit, he does look pretty hot when he chews on his pencil.

Everyone continues their conversations with each other but I can't help to think about Harry.

I think he is more than just some 'new hot boy.' He's seems kind of different. I just don't know what it is about him. His eyes stare at you so intently, it's like he's studying you or something. He is so secretive and mysterious, I just want to get to know him.

"Hey Niall, Liam and friends." I hear a voice say and look up to find no other than Louis with Harry standing behind him. Harry just keeps his head down and chews on his lip. Hot hot hot hot hot. He does it without even trying.

"Hey man." Liam says and they all exchange some 'bro' hug sort of thing.

"I wanted to introduce you to my brother Harry." Louis smiles and shoves him forward. Harry rolls his eyes and looks at everything but us.

"Okay then, Harry this is Niall and Liam, some of my close friends, and then this is Sophia, Emily and Rosie." He says pointing to each one of us. "And guess what? They are all in the same year as you!"

Harry rolls his eyes again and finally speaks up. "Yeah Lou okay, can you not speak to me like I'm some sort of baby?" He snaps and crosses his arms over his chest.

"I like him." Liam smiles. Harry shoots his head towards Liam and glares. Wow man, he was just being friendly. But he still looked pretty.

"Harry." Louis says growling, pulling him of to the side and talking to him.

Our table stays a bit awkward and we all exchange nervous glances. I look at Louis and Harry and their conversation consists of eye rolls, big hand gestures and angry faces.

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