Who even asks that?

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Lucy was seated at a desk in the bullpen, filling out paperwork when she heard her name. "Hey Lucy, there's a couple of people out at the front desk to see you."

"Great, thanks, Jackson." He nodded and continued on his way. She hummed to herself as she made her way to the main entrance of the precinct. She had woken up in an extremely good mood and had genuinely thought that nothing would ruin her day. But the universe decided to pull a fast one on her. Y'know, to keep her on her toes. When she arrived at the front desk she was greeted by two of her least favourite people. Oliver Curtis and Addison Todd. Her ex-boyfriend and ex-best friend from college. Her head was telling her to be nice, they're probably here about something important, after all, you're a cop now. But her heart was saying what on earth could they want? And be nice to them, really? A quick recap, in case you forgot, you were dating Oliver and friends with Addison until you found out that they were sleeping together behind your back for five months, in your bed, in your apartment, and the only reason is that you caught them the night before your Family Dynamics final, and then they had the gall to send you a wedding invitation! Lucy wasn't sure why her head and her heart were arguing within her- and referring to her in the second person, but she was trying to not think about that... Especially because Addison had spotted her.


Just wonderful.

"Lucy! It's- it's really good to see you." The cringe-worthy was avoidable, thankfully, but she really didn't have an excuse not to talk to them, unfortunately. Addison had always been an awful liar. Her eyes twitched, her voice cracked, and she couldn't look in the same direction for more than a few seconds. Oliver was standing beside his fiance with his hand on her lower back, a stoney expression on his face. "I wish I could believe that, but I know you Addison. So, don't lie to me okay? Our friendship may have ended on bad terms, but after all we went through together I don't deserve to be lied to. So, what's going on? Is everything okay? Do you need help filing a police report?"

"What? No."

"Then... Why did you come to a police station?" Lucy had to admit, she was dumbfounded. When people needed help from law enforcement, it really wasn't that odd for them to go to or request an officer they knew personally to help them. She was no longer friends with either of them, for obvious reasons, but she could see them coming to her for law enforcement-related assistance. But if that's not the reason they decided to ruin her day, what is?

"Because we don't know where you live." That... Was creepy. And so not helping their case. "Uh... Sorry, what Addy means is we need to talk to you but we didn't know how else to contact you. We tried looking up your insta and stuff... But you must have us blocked-"

"Uh, yeah, I do."

"And we tried to ask some mutual friends for your number, but they told us 'absolutely not' in some not so nice terms. We were kinda lost until we saw that news report on you getting abducted by that serial killer. By the way, how... How was that?"

"Oliver, what. On earth. Made you think that was an appropriate question to ask me?"

"Oh, fuck, you're right, I'm- I'm sorry it's just-"

"Okay, you know what? Can you guys just get to the point and tell me why you're here?"

"Right. Right. Okay, so, our families all knew you pretty well-"

"Very well. And when we got together no one was happy for us because they knew we'd cheated on you-"

"And they've been giving us hell ever since."

"But it's been a couple of years, and we're engaged and getting married now- you know that because we invited you and you RSVP'd 'no'- and we were wondering-"

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