Are You Crazy?

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"Are you crazy?"

"Oh come on-"

"No, really, are you insane? Why would you want to go to your cheating ex's wedding? Especially because they don't even want you there, they just want to forgive them so that they don't look like complete jackasses anymore. This has to be the craziest thing you've ever done."

"Crazier than adopting Kojo?"

"Yes. Yes, it is crazier than adopting Kojo. Are you actually going to go?"

"Yeah, I am. I mean, at this point I've made a commitment, I can't back out now."

"Yes you can, you absolutely can. They hurt you, Lucy, there's nothing wrong with being upset by that, and you're not responsible for fixing their problems."

Lucy sighed and dragged her hands down her face. This whole situation really was crazy, and so was agreeing to go along with it, but the invitation had most definitely been picked up by now and was on its way back to the bride and groom. "I'm not going to fix their problems, or even their relationships, okay? It's been years since everything went down and by this point, people have made up their minds and have their opinions. I guess... I just want closure."


Lucy left roll call attempting to ignore Tim's stare. He'd tried to talk to her before roll call started, but she didn't give him a chance. She just didn't need anyone else judging her decisions. "How about I get the shop and you get the war bags?"

"Uh, no. How about I get the shop and you get the war bags while you deal with Sergeant Bradford, who's been trying to talk to you since we got here." Jackson didn't even give her a choice, just nodded at Tim and walked off to get their shop. "Hey, Lucy."

"Hey, Tim."

"I was just wondering how you're doing?"

"I'm fine. Totally fine."

"Say it one more time and I'll believe you."

"Ha. Funny."

"Seriously though, how are you doing with the wedding invite? Did you decide what you're going to do?"

Lucy sighed, she really didn't need to deal with anyone else judging her right now, especially not Tim. "Uh, yeah actually, I did. I RSVP'd 'yes' with a plus one. I know, I know, it's crazy and stupid. I already got the lecture from Jackson."

"Honestly I don't think wanting to go is crazy. I mean, yeah going to your ex's wedding isn't everyone's idea of a good time, but that isn't the only reason to go to a wedding. I know we talked about it hypothetically last time you were invited, you could take this as an opportunity to enact a little revenge... But that doesn't really seem like you."

"No. Yeah, there's a little part of me that wants them to suffer, but overall I just want to be completely moved on from this. They hurt me, yes, but I don't want to hold onto that pain. Truthfully, I thought I was over it, but then I got that wedding invite... And it just brought up unwanted feelings."

"Understandable. So you'll bring Jackson to the wedding, then?"

"I don't know. He thinks that I've lost my mind. I checked off the plus one box because I know that I'll need backup. I didn't even think about who I'd want to come with me."


You're looking him in the eyes right now.

"Well, let me know if you need me- uh, any help."

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