It's Finally Over Part 2

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Lucy had just spent at least forty-five minutes on the dance floor. At first, it was her and Tim, then her and the girls, so when a slow song started to play and Tim nervously offered his hand, Lucy took it without hesitation.

"You having fun?"

"Yeah, I mean, after all the weirdness there was nowhere left to go but up, right?"


"Thanks for coming with me by the way, I know there are probably better ways you could've spent your day off."

"Don't worry about it Lucy, I can honestly say that I've had fun today. And as far as the crazy parts go, well, at least they'll make a good story."

"Oh, absolutely. Jackson's already allotted tomorrow to talk all about it."

"I'm sure that Lopez has done the same. She, uh, she's been texting me today. Asking what I think of your dress... Guess West sent her the photos."

"Oh. So what did you say? I mean, you've already admitted you think this dress looks gorgeous freely, willingly, and without prompting."

"Well, it was the truth. I'm glad that you're having a good time." Before Lucy could respond Tim twirled her around, pulling a bright laugh out of her. When she was brought back to bring chest to chest, there was a softness in his eyes that pulled at Lucy's heart and made her feel warm.

The moment was ruined when someone pointedly, and rather rudely, coughed at them to get their attention. The mood plummeted further when they noticed just who had interrupted their dance.

"If you don't mind Tom, I'll take my turn having a dance with Lucy."

"Okay, first of all, the only person who can permit for you to dance with Lucy is Lucy, she is a grown adult and more than capable of making her own decisions, and the fact that you asked me instead shows just how disrespectful you are. Second, my name is Tim, not Tom, though I suspect you did that on purpose." Then Tim turned to her. Lucy could "It's up to you."

Lucy barely gave Oliver a glance. "I'd prefer to keep dancing with my date, Oliver. If you want to slow dance with a woman... Maybe you should go and ask your wife."

"Then- Then can we talk? Go somewhere private and just... Just talk? Alone?"

"Respectfully, Oliver, I'm not going anywhere alone with you, ever. But especially not at your own wedding. You really should go and spend time with your wife."

Lucy and Tim turned back toward each other but now they were tense and upset. Acutely aware of Oliver standing a couple of feet away from them with half of the room staring at them.

Damnit this stupid wedding had turned out to be fun, why'd Oliver have to ruin it?


Lucy needed a minute. Oliver asking her to dance had just been... Vile. She felt dirty all over and felt like she needed a shower but would have to settle for just washing her hands. But when she saw who was on the other side of the bathroom door she wanted to make a hasty retreat.

"Addison. Kirsten. Others I do not know the names of. Hi."

Addison was tearing a tissue into little bits while Kirsten was rubbing her back, trying to console her. The remaining bridesmaids Lucy didn't recognize were all standing in the far back corner, away from Addison, but they did give Lucy a wary look when they noticed her.

Kirsten looked irritated at Lucy's intrusion, but when Addison looked at her the woman's glare was downright murderous.

"This was supposed to be the best day of my life and you ruined it just by breathing in the same air as me. Why the fuck did you even come, Lucy? What's your goal here?"

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