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Adrien looked at the clock. "Only a minute left now." He checked his phone. Nothing. His father hadn't answered his texts, hadn't even read them. Someone knocked on his door.

"Adrien? May I come in?" It was Nathalie. Adrien got off his bed and opened the door for her. "Happy New Year, Adrien. Have you gotten your tattoo yet?"

"Not yet." Adrien showed her his blank wrist and she sighed in relief. She sat on his bed and he followed suit. Nathalie pulled her sleeve back to check her watch and Adrien saw black markings on her wrist. "Have you found your soulmate, Nathalie?" He blurted without thinking.

She glanced at him in surprise then pulled her sleeve back to study her tattoo. "Yes, I have. It's complicated though."


She sighed and rubbed her wrist. "He found his soulmate already and it wasnt me. They were married. Now he can't let her go."

Adrien looked at the floor and thought about what she said. He gasped as the pieces clicked into place. "Father is your soulmate?"

She whipped around to look at him, bright red. She shushed him, looking at the door. "Yes. But he doesn't like me, much less love me."

"You don't know that. You know how father is with emotions-" Nathalie's watch beeped, interrupting him. They both stared at Adrien's wrist and watched as the black ink appeared, twisting and turning to form a simple compass shape with two needles.

"Two needles?" Adrien was confused. "What does that mean, Nathalie?"

Her eyes were wide, staring at his wrist. "It means you have two soulmates."

They looked closer. The compass was decorated with suns and ribbons. "I wonder who they could be?"

Nathalie's watch went off again. She looked at it. "A message from your father. He says Happy New Year. He wishes to see your tattoo tomorrow."

Adrien covered his tattoo with his hand. "Do you think he'll be mad?"


"That I have two soulmates?"

Nathalie looked over and saw tears in his eyes. She put a hand on his arm. "I don't think so. I think he'll be happy you have a soulmate."

"Even if one might be a boy?" He whispered. Nathalie blinked.

"Oh, you...oh! You like boys?"

He nodded, tears streaming down his face. She smiled and wrapped him in a hug.

"It doesn't matter. Love who you love. I'll support you no matter what."

Adrien sniffed. "Thanks Nathalie. For understanding. And being here when he wasn't."

"Of course." Nathalie paused before kissing his forehead and standing up. "You should get to bed. Good night, Adrien."

"Good night, Nathalie." He tucked himself under his blankets. She turned off the light and closed the door behind her.

Plagg flew out of Adriens bathroom, holding a block of cheese. "So?"

"I have two soulmates." Adrien's voice was heavy with worry and confusion. Plagg dropped his cheese and flew up to Adrien.

"Listen, kid. Ignore whatever your father says. He's a jerk and doesn't know what he's talking about. Your soulmates are going to love you better than he ever could!" Adrien just turned over, still upset. "Maybe one of your soulmates is Ladybug." Plagg said, grinning as he turned away, knowing that would improve Adriens mood.

Adrien sat up, staring wide eyed at Plagg. "You think?" Plagg turned back to him.

"Well, sure. You never know!"

Adrien flopped back on his bed. "Night, Plagg!"

"Night, idiot." Plagg responded fondly.

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