Chat Noir

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"M'lady! Since we have a few minutes before we detransform, wanna hang out?" Ladybug sighed then smiled.

"Sure, why not."

"I know the perfect place." They leapt on top of a roof and ran to an arcade.

"An arcade?" Ladybug raised an eyebrow.

Chat shrugged. "Why not? I've never been to one and I always wanted to."

Ladybug stopped in her tracks. "You've never been to an arcade? Ever?!"

"No. My...parents are strict. I only really get to do what I want when I'm Chat Noir." Ladybug gasped, grabbed his arm and pulled him to the skee balls. She pulled some coins out of her pocket, put them into the machine and handed a ball to Chat. "What do I do with this?" He questioned. Ladybug laughed and grabbed a ball for herself.

"Watch me." She threw the ball and it slid up the track and landed in the 200 point hole. She turned to Chat. "Your turn."

He looked down at the ball in his hand then back at the machine. A smile grew on his face and he slid the ball into the 500 point hole. "Ha!"

"Beginner's luck, kitty." She rolled her eyes and grabbed another ball. "Beat this!"

They played for half an hour, leaving once to retransform in the bathroom. Someone finally came up to them and asked them to leave because they were closing. The two grabbed their tickets and ran up to the prize counter. They scanned the prizes and spotted cheap plastic replicas of their miraculous'. They grinned at each other.

"That was so much fun!" Chat said as they were leaving, putting on the cheap earrings. Ladybug laughed and slipped the ring on her finger.

"You got lucky. Next time, you are so going down!" Chat turned his head side to side, posing.

"What do you think?"

"I didn't know your ears were pierced." She laughed. He shrugged.

"Why not, right?" They looked around and saw the empty roads, realizing night had fallen. "Did you get your tattoo last night?" He asked.

Ladybug looked at her wrist unconsciously, realizing for the first time that the design was on her suit too. "Huh." She held out her wrist to show Chat and he looked at his wrist. His compass was also on his suit but it was in white ink, probably because his suit's black.

"You also have two soulmates?" He asked. She looked at his tattoo and realized it had two needles as well. Chat realized a needle on his compass was pointing directly in front of him. "Wait." He shifted back and forth, but the needle stayed pointing at Ladybug. Their eyes went wide as they realized what that meant at the same time.

"You're my other soulmate?" Ladybug flushed.

"You found your other soulmate too?" Chat asked. Ladybug nodded.

"He's...don't laugh!" She interrupted herself. "Adrien Agreste. The famous model. What about you?"

"The baker's daughter, Marinette Dupain-Cheng! She is super cute." Chat sighed dreamily. Ladybug turned redder.

'Wait, does that mean...' Ladybug looked at Chat then shook her head. 'No, they're super different. There's no way Chat is Adrien. But who else would have found out I'm their soulmate?' She yawned and rubbed her eye. 'Problem for tomorrow.'

Chat looked at her and, seeing she was tired, picked her up and carried her to the park. "Chat!" She muttered and stifled another yawn.

"I don't know where your house is..." He trailed off. She shook her head, trying to wake up a bit.

"Do you know where Alya Césaires house is?" She asked, eyes drifting closed again. He smiled and stroked her hair.

"Yeah. Want me to bring you there?" She nodded.

"She's my friend."

"Ok, M'lady." Chat carried her to Alyas house and jumped up to her balcony. Shifting slightly, he knocked on the glass door to her room. Alya looked up from a comic book she was reading and, seeing Chat and Ladybug, opened the door.

"Chat Noir? What're you doing here?" She whispered.

"Sorry for intruding, but M'lady is asleep and I didnt know where to bring her. She told me you were friends so I thought it'd be best to bring her here. I hope you don't mind." Alya looked at Ladybug, passed out in his arms and smiled.

"No problem. Set her down here." She pulled out a mattress from under her bed, already fitted with sheets. Chat laid Ladybug on the mattress, took the blanket Alya held out to him and covered her with it. He brushed her hair from her face and kissed her forehead gently before nodding to Alya and leaping out the window.

Alya sighed at Ladybug and shook her shoulder lightly. "Marinette, you have to detransform."

Ladybug groaned slightly and muttered the words, falling asleep again immediately after. Tikki laid on a pillow with Trixx and Alya grabbed Marinette's phone and texted her parents, telling them she was at her house and forgot to tell them. After that conversation, she got into bed herself and fell asleep.

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